Change name of AMMO to reflect its meaning

I been using the T2 Hybrid Medium Ammo called Javelin M and Spike M and been confusing their ranges for a long time. Javelin in all sense should be the longest range ammo, and the Spike should be the shortest, yet in game they are opposites.

A Javelin is a weapon that is thrown at long distances towards a target.
A Spike is a elongated sharp projection protruding out of a rock, a plant or some such thing usually varying in different lengths.

If the ammo names were inter-changed that would be much better to understand them for equipping at a glance.

Javelin being limited to hitting ships at throwing distance seems fitting to me.

Surely 21000 years into the future people have figured out weapons and ammo which can reach further than human throwing distance. :stuck_out_tongue:

a change like this would confuse the hell out a lot of people for no good purpose.

Yeah, whenever using rails I’d always consciously think to myself when loading “it’s the wrong way round.”

I would 10000000% agree with you.

If javelin wasn’t already being used for the long range missiles. This should have been corrected back when they were fixing mod and implant names

I agree that’s confusing. CCP would do better to rename one of them to something else.

But for fun I can argue that even then there’s consistency:

The EVE projectile javelin ammo seems inspired by the man-thrown javelin projectile that can be thrown a short range of about 20 meters.

The EVE missile javelin ammo seems inspired by one of the military missiles that reach much farther: FGM-148 Javelin - Wikipedia , Javelin (surface-to-air missile) - Wikipedia

Obviously the latter too are named after the classic projectile weapon, but these are self-propelled and can reach much longer distances than the thrown javelin, just like missile javelins in EVE.

Maybe have best of both worlds (not confuse old players but also provide clarity) and name them:

  • Short Javelin
  • Long Spike
