Change to how I do bookmarks... Thoughts?

Getting more into exploration, Ive made 250 bookmarks in a few days, so I decided to wipe the whole lot and start fresh. Id like to know what more experienced players think, and any insights would be cool before I get too carried away with my new setup:

Im making a folder for each region, with sub-folders for stations and “hides” (safe spots) for better organisation and online/offlining folders. I can rapidly add bookmarks with expiry and edit later.
Each safe is labeled along the lines of:


First number 0 or 1, open space or directly between celestials.
Second is 1 to 4. 1 to 3, edge of system to centre of system, with 4 being close to a celestial and so easy to Dscan. 4 is usually taken from sites.
3 random letters, so I can tell them apart and easily re-order/warp between them.
Im looking at doing safes this way so when in alphabetical order, relative “safety” is a quick Alpha’s bet :wink:

Now, wormhole space is still just its own folder in entirety. I havent learnt enough yet to know what I might want. from reading through the marks I had, seems like W-space has its own regions and constellations just like K-space, and so could easily become a really big folder over time.

Tried keeping the post concise yet still make sense.
Keep well out there o7


I just call all my safes SAFE and then a number, the higher number closer to the centre of the system. Then I have “gate safes” which are called things like NG-GATE-1" etc where the first two letters are the name of the gate (i.e. XY-GATE-1) is a gate safe 1km from the XYY gate.

In certain systems popular with campers I’ll have a number of safes above, below, and at the sides of gates.

Sometimes former Wormholes or anoms will become future safes, especially in systems where I’ve previously been lazy and only set up one or two.

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first up: do not delete bookmarks. you never know when they’ll come in handy.

i have several subfolders: Gate Tacs, Safes, Station Tacs, Kompromat, Temp (wormholes etc go here and these get renamed and moved into other folders (safes) later) etc.

Gate Tacs are GATE NAME XYZkm, then UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT/FRONT/BACK as applicable. Note: these are directions sitting on the gate, looking at the local system sun. the up/down are directly up and down from the gate, others are on the flat plane of the ship camera/tactical overview.

Safes are ‘123’, 111’ ‘222’, ‘333’ etc for ‘midsafes’ that are inline between celestials. Proper safes are SAFE1/2/3/…/n. Deepsafes, >14.5AU from any celestial are named DEEPSAFE 1/2/3/…n

KOMPROMAT is usually gate tacticals I know are known by others. Any time a fleet FC has warped me to a gate ping, I bookmark it in KOMPROMAT using my usual naming convention. But a safe or deepsafe will also get bookmarked. I’ve also made a ton of tacticals on known gatecamp gates sitting a combat prober cloaked off the gate and probing folk down as they warp to their pings. Such bookmarks are all saved under the KOMPROMAT folder (an hour sitting off the Nourv gate in Tama netted me a bunch of RDRAW gate tacs, which were later used to wonderful effect.).

Station Tacs are 0km DOCK and insta-UNdock bookmarks. Spy tacticals of a specific station or citadel also go here.

I’m slowly putting my gate tacs into regional folders so I can share them with alts easily. I have over 9000 gate tacs spread across the map.

A solid collection of bookmarks is one of the most valuable things you can accrue in EVE. Never pass on an opportunity to grab a new gate tactical or midsafe. They can come in handy in any number of situations. Be VERY wary of who you share your tacticals with. I’ll share my KOMPROMAT folder with a fair number of people I don’t completely know. My actual personal gate tacs, only a very small select few have that access (about three other people after 10 years in the game)

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Thats just brilliant!
I am enjoying collecting bookmarks. Especially in large sectors. Besides instadock in a few places, I havent got anything tactical yet. Still figuring out how to get good undocks happening.
As far as gates, still have a lot to learn. Close gate marks would be for for scouting and ganking right?

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If you’re expecting campers, why would you have safes ~1k from the gate?

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I assume they meant gate campers and use those 1k from gate safes to observe the gate camp from a safe distance or to look for an opening in the bubbles.

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I’ll have them in other places too but the 1km safe is usually somewhere higher or lower (Y axis) than I expect a bubble to be, and then I can rewarp from there to the gate itself.

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1km as in 1000 meters? Thats too close to be safe or warp I must’ve misunderstood?

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1k would be 1,000km. Bubbles only drag you from 500km iirc.

mostly a gate tac is somewhere safe to warp to that won’t get you caught in a stop/d5rag bubble. There are certain systems where this is almost a requirement to get through safely (WD- and SV5 come to mind)

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Pretty much every system between K5-JRD and Orvolle requires this in syndicate.

From Stargate, warp to nearside (i.e. the gate I just came in through) 1KM safe (usually behind the gate and up/down depending on preference or position of bubble).

From nearside safe to far side safe (gate I want to leave through), either up/down depending on which I used on entry.

and leave (or dangle/remain cloaked/whatever if I think I’ll be followed through with tackle) etc

I don’t want to be so close that I get sucked into bubbles or that dudes in a eris can just burn to me before I’ve aligned, but depending on whether I’m “the target” or “the decoy/scout/etc” I may want them to see me and be interested, while the thing I’m doing in the background is ignored.

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It doesn’t help that you guys are using the ‘K’ for thousand and forgetting the ‘K’ for kilo in your “1KM”
1km doesn’t mean “1000km” in Europe. If you insist on using ‘K’ for thousand then it would be 1Kkm and not 1KM.
That’s where his confusion is from.


I use km, as in Kilo Metre :stuck_out_tongue:

1000 metres is not even far enough away from other players to avoid bumping.

Common sense therefore dictates that if I say 1000km, I mean 1000 Kilo Metres, and not a thousand metres (1 km)

You obviously don’t.

That’s one kilometer, not a thousand kilometers.

But you didn’t say “1000 Kilo Meters” you said, and I quote:

That’s 1km, not a thousand. That’s where he got confused, and I did too.
That “K” for thousand doesn’t mean anything in English so it’s natural, while talking distances, to take the “K” for Kilo and not Thousand.

Right right relax your wee self no need to unclench a gauntlet fist in my annex for a typo jesus

I’m not unclenching anything in anything of yours :joy: Typos are nothing, I do it all the time. I simply wanted to shed light on the source of our confusion.

we’re talking personal bookmarking convention, not an ISO Standard convention.

my Jita 4/4 undock is labelled “2500k”, it’s 2,500km off the station. I know what it means, it’s completely unimportant that anyone else knows what it means…

Most of my gate tacs are, for example, 300UP, 400Front. Meaning, 300km Up, 400km Front (eg: warpable distance)

I really don’t care if YOU can’t decipher my naming convention. I know what it means.

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Just wait till the local Highsec Safety. Inspection Officer pays you a visit as a result. :smirk: :smiling_imp: :blush:

I don’t care about your naming convention. You can name a bookmark “pipicaca” for all I care.
I care about someone being confused after being told to make a bookmark 1km away from a gate while it’s supposed to be one thousand kilometers.
My 150Hybrid guns have a falloff range of 17km, not 17 thousand kilometers.

Train those up

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strictly speaking:

  • 2500k is meaningless, 2500000 what?
  • 2500km is clear
  • 2,500km = 2,5 km = really close for EU folks (we use ‘,’ as our decimal separator)
  • 2.500km = 2.5 km = really close for US folks (they use ‘.’ as a decimal separator)

Can we just say 2,5 (or 2.5) megameter? I’m sure that’ll clear things up for everyone! The proper abbreviation is Mm. (Note the capital M, if you’re 2,5mm close that’s REAL close!)

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