Changes in the energy consumption of Ammar laser ships are needed

I always take other players fits to heart. But then I tweak them for me. :wink:

Thats what’s experience to me anyway.

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If you’re still having cap issues, there’s always the mighty Arty’baddon…

Speaking of reading messages, I am still waiting for you to take your own advice. I even provided the screenshots you demanded of me.

Good on you. Feel the awesome power of hybrid ballistics. What’s the use of powerful lazer weapons when the ships can’t sustain their energy requirements? Zero

I started with Amarr too and quickly realized how sucky that was. I don’t care if anything is improved on Amarr side. They’re not viable in my opinion.

Energy turrets main advantage is greater optimal range and no reload

How is that useful if you cant shoot

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If you aren’t a complete newb who don’t know how to fit and use a laserboat, they will shoot. And perform significantly better than Hybrid Weapons in most cases while doing it. Optimal Range trumps Tracking/Falloff if you know how to position yourself.

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I can though. I have a solid grasp on the arcane arts of fitting and capacitor management.

…Which is why you never fly Amarr :slight_smile:

I do.
But I will admit all my t1 fits start with a large battery.

If i HAVE to immediately use a mid slot and some pgrid fur a battery, why even give me those fittings to begin with, just remove a mid, give me more cap and less pgrid.

Would be nice to fit the expected weapons and have an idea how the ship will perform without having to simulate it.

Yes, everything is clear with almost all Ammar ships now. You put only laser turrets, charge them with lenses that cause maximum damage, and your capacitor goes into negative values. Add another HeatSink and the capacitor will go into negative values even more. That’s all.

You still failed to name some that don’t work well. I did:

  • Slicer: works exceptionally well in the right hands
  • Retribution: works great, among the only Assaultfrigs that can solve T6 Abyssals in a Group and C13 WH Anos
  • (Navy)Coercer: Can do C5 WolfRayet and even Gankers love it. Seems to work well. Exceptional lowclass mission bltzer and Sisters Epic Arc runner
  • Confessor: same as above, among the best T3Ds
  • Omen Navy: great ship, can be tanky, can be kity
  • Zealot: another great ship that works up to the highest Abyssals, great performer in the Events and very good in Fleet Setups
  • Legion: incredible performance in WHs and Events
  • (Navy)Harbinger: really big bang for the buck, can outperform most other BCs in small/medsize gangs due to good range, exceptional tracking and decent damage
  • Absolution: One of the best, if not the best Commandships out there. Heavy tank, nice DPS, good range.
  • Abaddon: Excellent fleet Battleship, among the top choices in bigger fights if ISK is an issue
  • Paladin: Best overall performing Marauder hands down

Now your list of laserboats that don’t work well please!

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Oh, but you don’t have to. I tend to use amarr ships for sustained PVE, so I value very highly sustained cap stability with enough of my modules running for the way I intend to use the ship. It makes the fits work out better if I start with that, because then I’m not scrambling for cap having ignored the primary limitation till last.

OTOH, were I fitting them for PVP or the absolute top end of PVE burst performance, instead I’d be running an injector based fit for the much better peak power and ability to counter neuts if needed by cycling my booster and modules off cycle with the neuts.

If you’re still using the in-game fitting tool for designing your ships, that makes so much make sense. Get pyfa and prepare for a world of improvement in UI to build ships well.

Not so. If you’re not trying to fit the largest variety of guns to an amarr hull inside their size appropriate category, most of them are 10+ minutes, which is effectively stable.

Annnnd you’re looking for all upsides with no downside here. What downside do you add to keep laser turrets as a whole balanced?


Are you a brother in mind with James Brolin, have you forgotten how to read topics and generally become aware of what others have written?


Do you have a short memory and, like Syzygium, you can’t scroll the mouse wheel and read old messages?

@0ptimus_Swine Read less about people like James_Baboli and Syzygium. They have problems with memory and understanding what other people have written. The subject of my message is that it is necessary to reduce the energy consumption of laser turrets on Ammar ships, not that Ammar ships are bad.

I’m saying that the consensus is that lasers are currently reasonably if not perfectly balanced, with most hulls having good uses, and you are proposing massive buffs to this turret. I am asking what you propose lasers would give up for this buff. It’s a fairly basic question.

In this forum thread, I have already answered your question. If you can’t scroll the mouse wheel and read, that’s your problem. Don’t shift your problems from a sore head to a healthy one. And don’t forget, you’re not everything.

You have argued they’re not good enough to justify the cap. Their utilization rate says the community at large disagrees. I am asking what you would give up to make the capacitor aspect better. I haven’t seen anything but repeated “but they aren’t cap stable enough and they aren’t best tracking in close” from you, so try to express yourself a little more clearly?

Look, let’s get this straight. Personally, I associate you as a person with very low mental abilities, and maybe even worse. Maybe I’m wrong, and you’re a very smart person in life, but I personally associate you with exactly that, with all the consequences that follow from this. I have already answered your questions many times and I see no point in repeating myself, it just won’t do anything. If you cannot read, understand, or comprehend what I have written, if you agree or disagree with what I have written, these are purely your problems, not mine. Personally, I don’t give a damn about you and your questions anymore. Moreover, I don’t quite understand why all of a sudden, I have to prove something to you?

Wow. You’ve reached new heights of self entitled obnoxiosness.


Calling everyone who slightly disagrees with you is not going to help your case at all. Remember, you want CCP to make changes, but all they see is the OP attacking everyone who engages with their post. “I’m sure that will make them want to change the game” -said no one ever.