Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

Make null great again and bring those players back!

I want to resub my capital accounts, but a 25% discount is no incentive. Let null seccers use their toys again without needing yet another account for a recon pilot. Give us the chance to resub!

Recently leaked information from the CSM suggests CCP will be catering for the needs of safe mode players like yourself in the form your own server. Word round the camp fire is that it will be called " monotonous "

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Great more Null Sec Whining.

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No reee hear fellas. Iā€™m quite serious, the pop wonā€™t return to what it was without it.

Also donā€™t fall into the trap of thinking krabbing and pvp are mutually exclusive. Most null sec players do both. Most players didnā€™t leave, they just unsubbed their pve accounts and left their subcap pvp mains running.

For me thatā€™s a reduction of 4 accounts to 1 in terms of subs going to CCP.

Now if you simply want all the players to leave their pve accounts unsubbed and just play on their pvp mains, thatā€™s cool, but the Eve ecosystem is going to miss those juicy targets for NPSI groups to chase after and thatā€™s a lot of sand lost from the sandpit.

Recently leaked information from the CSM suggests CCP will be catering for the needs of safe mode players like yourself in the form your own server. Word round the camp fire is that it will be called " monotonous "

And yet I have considerably more pvp experience than you

zkill only has you going back to 2014 ? If you go back too 2004 or earlier then you can claim that you have more pvp experience. So if that is the case then i have 10 years on you.



lol itā€™s a good meme! Credit for that

I would but not totally ready to be banned YET lol

Its an inherent defense mechanism against change. It promotes stability but can lead to stagnation.

Some very impressive psycho babble, but completely lost on me as Iā€™ve no idea what youā€™re getting at!!

What Iā€™m saying is simple: revert the cyno changes, make null great again!!

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Great is subjective.

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I am saying that players donā€™t always know what is good for themselves and most are just simply unwilling to change for the better.

The potential of something and what is possible is lost from the masses who know nothing else outside of social expectations.

Does anyone really have an opinion if they had to be told what to think first?

Do you think the rejection of the blackout is simply null players being ill-informed or unable to think of the future? I donā€™t. Null players didnā€™t leave, they simply unsubbed their pve accounts and left their pvp accounts running. Sure we switched to more pvp centric activities, but that means less accounts e.g. I was paying for 4 accounts pre blackout/cyno changes, post changes I needed only my subcap pvp main as the 3 rorq/cap accounts I had were not worth paying for.

Thatā€™s lost revenue to CCP which clearly from the Blackout removal they want back for the health of funding the development of the game.

I think a better direction would be to accept blackout/cyno changes = too many lost pve accounts. Try to entice those accounts back (which the 25% sub discount is attempting to do btw - clearly CCP are onside there). Then introduce more opportunity for null sec fights, say a means to reliably create WHs to particular regions so Bombers Bar and other npsi groups can come hound me in Esoteria again! One of my fav things was staying out in my rorqs when Bombers Bar were roaming, the first time i was dropped on was intense, I was shaking and my voice cracked on comms as I tried to organise a response fleet. I regularly had up to 50b of assets on the field, thatā€™s scary when you see 100+ bombers or PL enter the grid. Iā€™ve lost caps and been saved by my friends. Iā€™ve warped in knowing I will likely die becauseā€¦ friends.

Thatā€™s the type of exhilarating gameplay we need more of. That fear of npsi groups / hunters. Not some blackout change which means 0 counters to drops or cyno changes which prevent the possibility of fighting back.

Like many players I have my own thoughts as to what would make for good changes, theyā€™ll be framed in terms of what I enjoy most as will yours. Blackout and cyno changes for me are not whatā€™s needed. Now reverting the cyno changesā€¦ thereā€™s a booming idea as a starting point!

Sometimes what players most desire for a game isnā€™t what is best for the game.

Sometimes what players most desire for a game isnā€™t what is best for the game.

I hope you include yourself in that!! :slight_smile:

@Gowa_Hyasyoda I think the point Iā€™m making is players very much did accept the blackout change, which is to say they unsubbed their pve accounts and kept their pvp accounts running. Switched from pve centric activities to pvp centric activities. It created an over abundance of hunters. I personally switched from 4 accounts to 1 (3 being rorq accounts I no longer needed)

I was one of the first in line in my stratios hunting post blackout changes. Took a week before I realised all the pve accounts were unsubbing. Pve and pvp are NOT mutually exclusive, the players remained, they just didnā€™t need those pve accounts anymore.

Problem is you NEED to incentivise pve in all space to keep the krab-hunter ecosystem going. Remove all the prey and the predditors will die off too after not too long.

For me the answer is

  1. ISK sinks to balance the monthly MER.
  2. More tools for pvp gameplay to help with hunting.

That way pve accounts do not feel punished or treated like an abandoned playstyle and hunters bring back that sense of danger.

You are just talking about Null, the PvE players started to reappear in Hi-sec as the Mineral prices rose.

Yes of course Iā€™m talking about null, the blackout and cyno changes impacted null and low sec most, not high sec.

High sec pve content is definitely important though, I donā€™t disagree there. I know of quite a few players that pulled their pve accounts from Test and sent them to high sec for incursion, abyssal running and burner missions (all 3 of which are way more isk/hour than null sec even before the blackout and cyno changes)

If youā€™re advocating high sec buffs Iā€™m with you, but the way to do that isnā€™t to revel in null sec nerfs. Destroy null sec and thereā€™s a lot less sand in the sandpit. Level heads are needed here!

They impacted the whole game. To they didnā€™t impact Hi-sec means you do not understand how EvE works.

By all means elaborate, lets not go down the path of telling each other who does or doesnā€™t know about Eve most though!!

Iā€™m assuming youā€™re referring to orca mining fleets? There needs to be a reason to risk 20b of rorqs in null sec space compared to 2b of orca/barges in high sec protected space.

No the mineral prices, which have already started to fall again.

Making mining non-profitable away from null.