Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

Ergo orca mining fleets bring in less. I personally don’t see that as an issue, high sec already has the most lucrative krabbing activities in terms of isk/hour.

With that said, orca mining boosts could use a buff, bring them slightly closer to rorqs.

It would be wise not to since I actually know more than the both of you put together.
I’ve forgotten eight times as much as the lessor of you and twice as much as the other, though I will not say who is who.
I’m not here to throw more hydrogen into the furnace, well maybe tea pot.

It would be wise not to since I actually know more than the both of you put together.
I’ve forgotten eight times as much as the lessor of you and twice as much as the other, though I will not say who is who.
I’m not here to throw more hydrogen into the furnace, well maybe tea pot.

lol that’s brilliant, just going to leave that one quoted. I really hope that’s a copy pasta meme for your benefit!!

… but grandiose proclamations or self-importance aside… anything to contribute?

The plus side…

Not every ship you see has a cyno now. At least now you have a reasonable idea when your going to get dropped on.

CCP reverted the blackout cuz you nullseccers whined & bitched and chose not to adapt to the changes.
learn to adapt, guys, this isnt kindergarten ffs.

CCP reverted the blackout cuz you nullseccers whined & bitched and chose not to adapt to the changes.
learn to adapt, guys, this isnt kindergarten ffs.

No, we unsubbed our pve accounts and played on our pvp accounts instead. That is adapting, we switched to more pvp centric pursuits which requires less accounts. I personally went from 4 account subs to 1 as i didn’t really need the 3 rorq accounts anymore. Kept only my subcap pvp main subbed.

Pre blackout it was balanced between npsi hunters and miners/ratters, Bombers Bar would whelp loads of krabbers in expensive ships. With no local, it’s asking a lot for a player to put at risk 30b+ of assets with no viable means to defend them from 100+ man npsi fleets.

So we did adapt, into more pvp activities as thats what the meta favoured. I was there on day 1 of the blackout in a stratios ready to hunt… Only to find everyone else had had the same idea!!!

If CCP want the krabbing alt accounts back, and I personally think you do as it’s more money to CCP + more sand in the sandpit for hunters to chase (which the pve-pvp ecosystem needs - no prey and the hunters will starve), then you’ve got to incentivise it else players like me will stick to pvp.

I don’t understand how you can have 3 Roquals to fund one pvp character?
I have one pvp/combat character who funds himself and a second hauling alt that I skill extract to fund himself.

It was my understanding that most nullsec groups srp’d things too. So where is all this ISK going?

my 3 rorq accounts are also my titan/dread, super and fax accounts which is why i want the cyno changes reverted, give me a reason to sub them again!

If they never resub EVE will be that much healthier for it.

Go ahead!

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Optimize your route, so midpoint systems have refinery and production slots (should be possible, I did a quick check in Dotlan). Take a ceptor, load with compressed ore, ozone, and a couple BPCs, go to first waypoint, build the T1 indu with cyno fit. Jump your freighter with more ore, more ozone, modules, BPCs (or BPO).

Repeat until you reach your destination.

Hey I’ve got a char that old that has never undocked from Jita 4-4 too.
Am I good at PVP or what :confounded:

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Are you saying
1 - travel to system you want your cyno in with ore and bpc
2 - refine ore and build ship + module
3 - travel back to your JF
4 - jump your jf in
5 - build more ships and modules
6 - repeat as needed

this is fine if you have a set chain set up once and more or less done but if you don’t have a set route due to running contracts here there and everywhere it doesn’t help

also do i now also need refine and building skills to do logistic?

It does help, you anyway have to bring ozone and modules to the cyno destination. Now you also transport ore and BPCs, and maybe have to gate jump the T1 one or two systems (from where you built it).

You mean a couple hours training is not worth it?

The thing is here from my perspective, that players can have different opinions on how the game should look like, but when you try to change things that already works fine in EvE it makes the game smaller and more expensive to play. Without cyno on Rorquals a player must have an alt cyno ready, but if you have 2 caracters (only) mining you must start a 3rd to get the same amount to maintain the 2 caracters running without getting blown to pieces. Now you just Have to feed 1 more caracter. Daaamn.
If you choose to play EvE and will be or have been a miner it is getting harder and if a player loves to mine in Eve its a bad change. Rorquals have died many times in eve with cynos. Gangs or Gankers have just laid pressure on this subject for a periode of time. That is the only reason, but Rorqs still die in Space.
Same goes for your real life budget. And the thing is, that the change could have been made more easy. The Cyno change could be, that you can only (use your cyno ones for like 2min) and then it burns out (not useable Again until you buy a new one and can not be fittet until you reach a station.
They already nurfed the excavators etc. This is not a good change, when the game is about 15 years old. Alot of players will change course of how to earn ISK and therefore close accounts. They are for a simpel reason not needed anymore and then: why should we use more time playing EvE, when it takes more time to earn the same ISK and more expensive to play ^^ I know that CCP do care or they will care. Especially for the small countries/corps that have smaller player numbers. They will not stand for this and they will not come to play as often, because it harder to maintain a larger Group, when making sudden changes like this. PLex are also more expensive than ever. Im just saying. Im not always right, but im never wrong on these things and i loved the gameplay as it was. I am up for small changes on the Cyno subject, but this?? No thank you. Its bad business

This exactly!! Everyone talking about seeding T1 indys act like these are fixed mids. The small scale hauler is now hosed. This will have little effect on the big blocks that always have the same start/end point to their route.

You don’t need more accounts or more characters you just need to work with other players. That’s how people adapted to the blackout and how you can adapt to the cyno changes. I know, working with other people in a MMO, crazy talk!

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Why should a solo player even own a Rorq?
That ship shouldn’t be able to mine alone. It should only be a buff ship for barges, nothing more.


This introduces no additional risk to the JF. Non whatsoever. Jumping to a lit cyno doesn’t matter what ship lit it, its either a safe jump or it is not. All this does is increase headache and drudgery for the small scale or contract JF pilot. The large blocks will adjust far easier since they have more static jump systems.

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You know that building an industrial takes ~ 3 hours, right ?
A stain trip already took as a JF about 3-4 hours round-trip, if you do not have a RL outside EVE it’s understandable