Sure. Just swipe your credit card and spend the next decade doing SC’s equivalent of ship spinning while you wait for them to produce a playable game.
I will only appreciate this change if u rework cloaking mechanics and/or bomber damage BEFORE this change is in. Otherwise its a half measure.
I will go where the wind takes it.
4 Recons, 4 Blops, Marshal, Enforcer, Chameleon, Moracha, Victor, Tiamat. I can count AT least 14
Which is exactly what you should do, and exactly what @Requiescat and I’ll bet you plenty of other JF pilots won’t think of. Get ready to get richer.
I see what you did there. Hmmm… I wonder if they’ll reclassify the Stratios…
hmm looks like this is a patch against the Umbrellas of the nullsec blocks. tbh all nullsec ppl train now in Recon and have an alt cyno char online and ready.
dont see that would change something.
… well, yes, but that’s a good part about this change. Everything that introduces darwinian consequences is a good thing.
Which is entirely fair. Logistics in Eve these days is a little too easy as it is, I feel. My own JF barely saw use, because it was just so cheap and simple to just hand it over to some other guy. There was always some other guy.
This’ll let logistics folk justify an increased pricing scheme, reward good and skillful JF pilots/cynos, punish the bad ones and overall not actually affect all that much in the larger scheme of things.
And this pretty much sums up what’s wrong with the average EVE user these days.
CCP_Rise also wants everyone to F*** Off back to High Sec, just has not come out and said it like CCP_Falcon
It’ll also encourage more local development rather than hauling crap to Jita. Pricing’s already better in Dairy Queen.
CCP Falcon takes the lead with “If you don’t like the blackout you can f*** off back to high sec”.
cause smaller unorganized groups cant use a recon right?
Swipe your credit card ?
it’s not like eve where you have a monthly sub
So people who are not super active, rich nor a part of a big alliance are not supposed to be able to own a capital and move it solo anymore? I mean, the recon will in most cases die and each cyno will cost 2-300mil a pop. This change will also require alts with tons of skillpoints.
I absolutely support the idea of limiting cynos to a handfull of ships and remove it from all capitals, but you should definitely introduce a cheap t1 dedicated cyno frigates. Recons are too expensive and requires way too much skillpoints to fly properly.
Perhaps you should give the bowhead a jump drive and not force the entire game to use capitals for absolutely everything.
Very fair point I hadn’t even considered. This is also a good thing. Let entrepreneurial folk spread out and take advantage of the situation. I’m all for that.
This pretty much sums up what’s wrong with CCP these days. FTFY
First of all I can’t wait to see this in action. Hopefully this will make home defense ops a bit more complicated and messy.
That being said, this is going to suck total balls for anyone trying to move anything without a jump freighter. I can see an argument for wanting to put stress on logistics, but this might be a tad too much.
Could we look at getting something with a decent SMA and Fleet hangar that can jump to covops cyno or maybe even a covops hauler that’s at least a class or two bigger than the current blockade runners? I can really feel this change giving a swift kick in the crotch to the groups that still operate a nomadic lifestyle.
Also, on the note of logistics: can we shorten the cycle time of the cyno please? Especially if it’s going to go on a BLOPs BS. 10 minutes on a 1-2B ISK ship that isn’t even that impressive of a BS is just crazy. Since you’re choosing specific ship classes, I think it’s very fair to adjust the times involved too.
Oh CCP. Still trying to force this turd of a game to ‘happen’ again? That’s cute.
Spoiler: It isn’t going to happen.
How would you know, little pet monkey?