Dude it’s too late to pass the cost on to the customer once you accept the contract…
Yikes. Hard pass.
You know I really want to reiterate how badly you are disregarding the largest parts of your player base who put the most time into this game. A solo pilot cannot go out and be safe pretty much anywhere. Highsec, lowsec, Nullsec, it’s all very unsafe. The only things that made the space safe was the fact that we could pool our meager resources and provide each other with relative safety, and by doing so content when we were attacked in our PvE style activities. The guys who log in and pvp for an hour aren’t the majority of this game. The majority of this game is the guys who log in and sit in a mining belt for 12 hours or kill rats in space. Many of these people who do this activities have spend countless hours taking and holding their space. They have fielded trillions of isk worth of assets to take and then hold their space as well as the constant logistics chains to make it all work. They provide fuel for their structures and content for their pilots and the opportunity to make it all work. The ability to do the highest activities in eve IS NOT EASY. It has taken a massive effort put in by a conglomerate of individuals to make Alliances stand. And you are making light of all their hard work and the effort these people have put in to play this game. On top of that you are turning it over to the guys who log in with minimal investment and even less play time in some convoluted effort to get more subscripts ? You are killing PvE in a game where PvE is already incredibly risky. If you tip the balance of risk/reward to a point where no one was to put in the risk to do it you will kill Eve. If you kill PvE, you kill PvP.
ummm, not really
It’s clear to me that alot of commenters in this thread dont know how a covert cyno works. This is huge quality of life improvement for the poor old cyno alt haha
dear ccp… i’m not paying to train my JF cyno chain pilots to be able to use covops. hence, i wont be using my JF. hence, like some others, no point in having that account subbed, which… ironically, just expired today.
i like someone’s suggestion of a JF cyno, can be fit to newb ship, works like old cyno… but only JF can jump to. do this please. thanks.
This comment on Reddit has a similar idea. New types of cynos. Combat and Industrial cynos. https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ciboup/itt_we_give_ccp_wild_ideas_to_fuel_their_midlife/ev58ase/?st=jzbnhnnk&sh=c6a0ca47
thats okay except rorqs are combat ship.
Perhaps just JFs then
or better, dont let rorqs fit combat drones.
Hear! HEAR !
they can BLOPS to a certain covert cyno bomber if you use gates with those ships around nullsec you’re bad
This change is a net buff to JF’s. short cyno cycle time and they dont show up in overview system wide. NBow nobody knows when you open your cyno on an off grid structure.
CCP claims that the community is what makes EVE great. How is that when you continuously crap on 1/3 of that community.
thats fine, to have the option… but like said, i’m not paying to train a chain of cynos to use covops. i’ll just not JF, plenty of others in alliance will do it.
i am/was fine with newb ship cyno on citadel or station. that works/worked for my needs. many others too, i’m sure.
Was wondering what this was about
Glad to see it was something great that would change the game for the best, o7 you guys are awesome.
Love it. Keep up the crazy changes. People are salty because it totally changes up how things have worked in Null Sec. Everybody will adapt. I’m all for more sub cap fights and less cap escalation.
Your efforts are applauded.
But the problem is that all your hard work in creating Nullsec as a permanent renting settlement has made it ultimately very boring for those who even attempt at trying to make a dent in it.
With this change, your endless waves of defense fleets will eventually wear themselves out, and you’ll have to conceive differently the way the Nullsec game would now work.
Im sure you hard working folk will manage though, so keep the good spirits up despite all odds.
Gonna be interesting to see how null changes to deal with this. I think the “drop caps on everything” meta won’t go away so easily but at least something is finally changing.
crack on then