Good. Either you fit your ■■■■ up properly, have alts (in recons, now) ready to cyno support in, or accept the loss. Nullsec shouldn’t be safe. Nullsec should never have become even nearly as safe as it was for years. Get over yourself, or move to highsec.
Looks like a bunch of people are actually going to have to learn how to PVP.
How the hell do you think that? You Chicken Little’s with the sky falling on your head…Jumpin Jesus on a pogo stick.
Adapt or biomass, just stop whining.
Once again i struggle to understand the idea behind a change. It’s easy to have a ship with a cyno near your Rorq’s or ratting supers, it’s not a huge problem to have one in a camp or in a roaming fleet. Larger organisations can do it no problem. Whatever small corporations that are still left after all the other thing you did, individual JF pilots, those will suffer. Do you intend to harm those two specific categories? Or do you want to somehow ruin umbrella gameplay? I have an issue with both options: with the first one its obvious, the second one… well imagine if you’ve spent literal years building an organisation, acquiring tools and making it all work and then someone says you shouldn’t have the reward for all this effort. Besides, isn’t EVE the game that prides itself on its huge battles, how are you supposed to have one if the dev’s are doing everything to ruin any chance of it happening again?
Yeah probably. I dont know I keep swaying back and forth on this one. Im gonna have to wait and see how this works out I think.
We can’t have PVP in null sec! That would make it as dangerous as High Sec!!
Perhaps consider how SP intensive the ships that use that module are? Capitals and Black Ops Battleships are significantly bigger trains than Force Recons.
Make Force Recons Great Again
They had already done that, cyno toons utilize very little SP but will never be Alpha clones. If you want to move capitals around New Eden you have always been required to sub/plex your cyno alts.
Another stupid change 10/10 lets keep the garbage flowing
Yeah have you noticed the sudden explosion in people fire-selling ingame assets and unsubbing accounts? its crazy how many people are trying to rmt their stuff to help reimburse 16 years of their life.
its not FOR the character that jump to the cyno, its for the cyno alts that have to train into force recons. And guess how the people are gonna do it when alliances pressure them into having these force recon alts (its injectors btw)
God complex? Quit ■■■■■■■ with our game.
when are you going to realize that the players are the most important aspect of this game???
Oh I’m sorry, was the name of the company Sola Lodi Games, not CCP Games? Good to know.
Doesn’t bother me. I have 3 recon alts and I don’t even use capitals in kspace - the only thing I’ve done with them in the last few years is cyno them onto wormholes to move them in.
If it means you need to invest some more to save your shitfit rorqual or whatever, that’s fine in my books.
The ones who want to afk rat/mine are not the most important aspect. I’m fine with ■■■■ being expensive if people will actually pvp.
So CCP wants to change cynos to hurt capital response times. Why not massively buff Mobile Cynosural Inhibitors?
You really are ■■■■■■■ dumb ccp, its like u want to destroy this game
you should work at ccp!
You should move to highsec