Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

So many salty cap nullbears used to CCP coddling their gameplay and are now angry their invincible gameplay is being nerfed everyday.

If you undock a capital you should never expect it to live forever, the whole no risk ideology is so, so mind numbing.

A lot of people are also complaining about a need to JF’s, which is untrue since they literally have no cyno on overview anymore, they can quite literally cyno at every safe without being caught.

And those people who are angry they can no longer drop 50 supercaps on a roaming fleet, GOOD! Supercap projection has been far too oppressive on anything that breathes in major hostile nullblock territory, now you have to undock real ships that roaming gangs can actually fight.

Cap fights will require their alliance to have subcap superiority before dropping caps, such as clearing out enemy dictors before lighting a nearby cyno and warping dreads in, which I’m all for since it gives the previously-dying subcaps much more roles in cap warfare than just kill mail whoring.

Glad CCP decided to rough things up for nullsec residents, and I know a lot more pvp minded players are too!


Oh, I think I just found an explanation, but for me it seems logically false.

  1. It WILL NOT be more complex and demanding - you just pay little more do light a cyno - that’s all; and again - price is not a factor for biggies.
  2. I wish to disrupt capital response and how this change will help me?? I mean - instead of killing cyno-Gnosis I have to kill cyno-Rapier? Again - false logic detected.
    Sorry, but this change should be re-evaluated, bois, no offense.

Im getting angry reading this ****, this shouldnt happen in my freetime. EVE would be dead without easy cynos and supercap response, cause there had not happen many of the big fights you could read in papers.
You really force me to stop that game, i took all changes now, hated them all, but this is the final point i really cant handle.


Can i has your stuff? Look you cant fit cyno to every ship , how terrible , man the ■■■■ up, ya big blobin’ crying of a joke :smiley:


2003: “Eve is dead”
2004: “Eve is dead”
2005: “Eve is dead”
2006: “Eve is dead”
2007: “Eve is dead”
2008: “Eve is dead”
2009: “Eve is dead”
2010: “Eve is dead”
2011: “Eve is dead”
2012: “Eve is dead”
2013: “Eve is dead”
2014: “Eve is dead”
2015: “Eve is dead”
2016: “Eve is dead”
2017: “Eve is dead”
2018: “Eve is dead”
2019: “Eve is dead”


wow, not bad! one more highslot for damagemod for my nyx instead useless cyno! Gj, ccp!

Player base has dropped down to 2007 numbers - but Eve is still not dead, yet :smiley:

Don’t fail at having your cyno on grid

Funny I am fine without easy cynos or anything that needs a cyno

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Interesting changes to say the least… a bit extrem though.
I don’t own cap or JF on my several chars, not my taste, so I’m not really impacted.

But from a real world business perspective, I hope you guys at CCP know what you’re doing. Shaking things up is good, EvE players are good at adapting and evolving, but like any species: up to a certain point. I’m sure you’re aware that the gaming industry is full of examples where things have gone sour after big changes.

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Just a tad dramatic

Everyone with a clue has long left. EVE is now being made by 3rd rate ex-player hobby devs. The Chaos Era thing is a tacit admission that they’ve screwed the pooch for the last 5 years, and have literally no idea what to do with the game apart from “experiment” with ideas they found on the suggestions forum.


CCP Take My Energy \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/


This is missing entry level use, for moving single cap.

e.g. New cyno module priced around price of covops frigate for single cap to jump in(after that one jump becoming unstable with it being disabled/burned) with significant fitting requirements(also cruiser/bc or bigger, no caps) so it is not really pvp usable.

I dont see a reason why only JF should have cheaper option.

LOL except the PVP’rs saying how good these changes are as risk averse or more risk averse than the so called nul bears.

As well, you do realise these changes will not affect the Blocs - You know, those who can and do drop multiple supers to defend a Rorqual. It is actually a great change for the large Blocs, they have the manpower and isk to ensure no disruption.

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I am just replying here to see what salt rating I get from Suitonia.

On a serious note though, I am sitting on the fence on this matter as I am curious to see the results and how it impacts the larger groups in the game.

I were going to sub another account, but since these crazy news came I don’t have to do it anymore since I wont have any use for the low skilled cyno alts.
This is an even worse idea than the drifters and the blackout, this one destroys the casual industrial play and it makes moving stuff harder and more expensive.


I got a idea it be nice if there a group that the player base voted for to talk to ccp about their retarded ideas like people that been playing the game longer than most devs, like you could call them csms or something so ccp would learn from from those guys, oh wait we have them maybe ccp could do twice the listen than they talking because the laterest changed have just made ccp look like chain of monkey running around. so wot happen does ccp even listen to them or is ccp just retarded as I always thought?


can we have T2 ships only require level III of the corresponding faction ship please ?
Like panther requiring only matar BS III instead of V ?