Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

Hunter have free intel.
Hunter could cloack and choose when cyno.
Local was here to counter the hunter free intel, and cyno on cap permit they to counter bomber cyno.
CCP remove all counter to hunter gamestyle. But not for the gameplay. Only for making money before deadline. It’s very short term plan (not more than 2 month). After the collapse in money earn by CCP will be bigger and bigger.

Big bloc will not be affect by change, just more boring for line member who will need to have alt cyno (more money to CCP).

If you agree this change you are a cow who is ready to give his dollar to CCP. CCP just increase the IRL cost of using some ship that all. If they want more money they could simply increase cost for everyonne, but people will see it and cry. So they try the discret method.


Yet here you are to complain about a game your not even subbed to :facepalm:


The only players that make CCP no money are Alpha players who don’t supplement with selling PLEX - every Omega account results in CCP receiving £$ - either by subscription, or PLEX (PLEXing accounts makes CCP more money than subscriptions).

With the up coming changes to cynos it might be a good time to adjust recons. Three of the four recon ships are bonused to affect the ship attacking them one ships bonus will only help other ships. While this is not a complaint about the current state of ECM I think the cyno change definitely warrants a change to the falcon.


:rofl: :joy: :put_litter_in_its_place:

Instead of all the ‘season of chaos’ try a small 100-system cluster with a clean fresh start… see how many players sign up.

You might just solve all your problems right there, CCP.

You spent 15 minutes editing your original Post and then adding this one, and still fail to understand basic economics… or indeed much about this game.

The only valid point being: Out with the old, in with the new. Change is inevitable.

Can I have your stuff?

Hey Kemhotep, long time no see.

I absolutely love this change, you know my playstyle D:

Then suddenly… 30 Jackdaw Alts bridge from staging and wreck some bomber fleet… the dream is shattered … :frowning:

Wrong, wrong, wrong…

But this is EVE, and there are amazing people playing it - hopefully one (or more) will come along, tell me to stop being a jerk, and explain why you are wrong in a patient and helpful manner :slight_smile:

I have pizza to make and consume :pizza::wine_glass:

Before too long everybody will be in one alliance only.

Tell you what. I won’t complain and resub if CCP agrees to refund me all 35m or so skill points I have invested in capital ships at no cost in either isk for extractors or skill point loss re-injecting.

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Players who can omega many accounts every month and pay for it all through their game play isn’t making CCP money

That’s not how that works. All PLEX is bought eventually by someone for real money from CCP.

Says the autist with like 100 accounts just to camp Delve.

Bro, I bet you have diabeetus. Liberty medical can help.

I like this update, keep it up CCP!

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Wow amazing big chances CCP! Imo you should make t3 c with cov system be able to light cynos and some of the t2 ships to not keep it too narrow.

I love this change. First the black out and now cyno nerf - sounds like PvP will be less predictable and more exciting in the future,

Keep it up, CCP!

PS. I always felt that lighting a cyno with a Velator made the Velator OP, or, more likely, just a broken game mechanic.

You do know we’ve never been able to remove rigs, right?

Wow, that was fast.

No matter, though. it’ll settle back down to 300 pretty soon. I’m probably too late but I just threw in some invention jobs. :slight_smile: