On the plus side:
There’s a new billboard ad in the singularity diff, so everyone refusing to undock because of cyno changes won’t have to stare endlessly into the Clear Vision abyss.
On the plus side:
There’s a new billboard ad in the singularity diff, so everyone refusing to undock because of cyno changes won’t have to stare endlessly into the Clear Vision abyss.
you know that is BS. 500 plex is $20. 30 days game time is $15. you do the maths from there
Command destroyers bouncing caps on to grid from distant pings
Well yes, because you can’t sell a subscription on the market, CCP is using that as the tax for your ability to resell it, i’m not seeing an issue here
30 days sub: £9.99
1 year sub: £7.50/month
500 plex: £16.99 (fcuk that) - thanks to those that do
So: 1 acct subbed, 3 accts Plexed (in game isk) = CCP income £61 approx, instead of £40/£30) = CCP win = potential to double income for CCP through Whales buying PLEX… - for just one small time player
Now work that out for ppl with 300+ accts - ka-fcuking-ching (that’s the sound of old fashioned manual tills for those of a young disposition)
So I gave it some thought in regards to rorqual saves.
Currently the rorqu lights the cyno and haw dreads and carriers jump to it.
Obviously that won’t be possible after September.
Everyone is trying to find a way to keep the status quo with cloaked recons and stuff. But that won’t be possible anymore.
If the attacker instantly drops a cyno-inhib, then the recon would have to cyno way to soon, before any meaningfull help is Ready. And it won’t survive long enough to assemble a fleet.
So I guess in the future, rorqual saves will be subcaps like munins or t3dessis that are bridged to the system cyno becon and warp to the rorqs from there. They are to fast to get waterborded.
Just my two cents
CCP Rise,
I love you! This is awesome!
assumptions is a bad habit I do have multiple accounts myself
But they do spend other people’s money…
Awesome bravery in implementing this big change to cap mobility. I love the direction of making cynos less flexible, I think that the execution on it can be improved and iterated on.
Just resubbed my 2nd account.
The real question is where does most money that pays for more PLEX from CCP come from?
Wrong (see next comment)
If CCP just throws PLEX onto the market themselves
I guess it doesn’t matter to anyone who pays for their subscriptions
Stop with the silly conspiracy theories…
Note: please see previous comment about Whales and gaming - that’s where your £$ comes from. Ever played a mobile game and seen people put £000s into a mobile game before? I have, it happens, I don’t need to express an opinion, it’s just true.
Supported, no - exploited, very probably but not quite yet in an obvious overarching (this game is fukced) way - writing is on the wall though, but still plenty to play for (fun).
Go try Albion Online (great fantasy version of EVE but totally dominated by RMT (don’t get sucked in)).
A little too stark, but with a streak of truth - there are plenty of opportunities to be had for fun (and £$ free play if you so wish) but the price of a sub isn’t great - so as long as you are having fun, why not - if you are not - wtf are you doing playing this… go outside…
All about attitude, your attitude - and that’s a life lesson right there.
You misconstrue I wasn’t being critical or judgemental (for a change) - just suggesting that having fun/enjoyment (or educational) is what, in the end, any game or activity should be about - and yes - that’s reflective as well
Of course, off topic is great - I was enjoying the discussion - although that may have more to do with me and the consumption of alcohol/morphine - but hey, c’est la vie
Nought wrong with derailing the whole thread
Sorry (not) CCP
Good for you, have a great one
While I’m not a fan of supers online, I would like to see more ships be able to fit a cyno. I’m on the fence with this change. I’m not upset or overly happy about it.
Every time a cyno lights a recon(or blops lol) gets it’s teeth kicked in. Good change for those of us that don’t ever light cynos.
Command destroyers bouncing caps