Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

What are the best fighters to blap a recon anyway ? Templar II with Ametat II ?
Asking for a friend.

A good sneeze

/getting coat

What part of that was complicated?

Caps canā€™t be booshed. Whatā€™s the command destroyer for, here?

If anything, this thread is a strong argument for bringing back corp/alliance info to the forum profile. :slight_smile:

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dont use altsā€¦
hire some1 to light ur cynos- transporting expesive stuff all on your own- a but greedy are we?!!
adapt or give me ur stuff and leave

That seems like a pointless restriction, but then again i donā€™t deal with the capital circlejerk

I have filled my profile just now. Just for the purpose of this chaos and all that.

C H A O S !!!

runs around screaming

brb, making a ratting redeemer fit.


CCP definitely lost its marbles now. Every goddam cyno alt needs to be trained up to a recon ship now??.. You must be out of your collective minds. Why canā€™t you for once making a change that is thought through to the end instead of all this half-assed ā– ā– ā– ā– ? Seriously you find better solutions to current game problems by simply reading your own forumsā€¦

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More like GREED mode, it seems to me

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Theyā€™ve switched marble with steel.

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The part where, as @Haulie_Berry points out, CDs canā€™t move capitals.

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Booshing enemy or friendly subcaps is a bit of a skill, requiring good timing, good aim, piloting skills in general and skillful warp-ins to begin with. It can be devastating, but subcaps can defend against it within reason and can often reposition after a boosh without too much problem. Booshing friendly or hostile caps in damn near perfect safety would be so trivial that itā€™d wreak complete and utter chaos on most large scale grids, and capitals are far less able to defend against booshers, and far less likely to be able to reposition again.

It honestly sounds hilarious and I wouldnā€™t mind seeing it.

Nah, counterbooshing would be a lot more viable with caps/supers, and itā€™d blow tidi up completely. Itā€™d be an utter crapshow.

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So I have to login another alt to hide in a Force Recon next to my sitesā€¦ Task doneā€¦

Againā€¦ just going to hurt the little guys

CCP Fail


Maybe. Itā€™s not like itā€™ll actually happen, but one can dream. Predatory lurkers hitting those gatetraveling for instance. Disrupting Fax blobs. Thereā€™s potential.

So status quo then.

Nah, just +1/-1 w/force recons and jump out if something gets booshed. Not a lot of potential, in the end. Disruptionā€™s fine, but when the obvious adaptation makes things even more secure, itā€™s just not a good direction to travel.

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Sasha, Itā€™s timeā€¦

Time for what ā€¦

(Uncloak ā€¦ err Captain we are not a force recon ā€¦)

Oh Fuā€¦ (Clear Skies destroyed as the entire Caldari Fleet sits there)

FU CCP enjoy your Chaos on your bank account.


Not sure if the CCP devs actually play this game. Very shortly I will be the same.