Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

What did he miss? Right now he can jump to a corvette with a T1 cyno. In September [If actually implemented] only Force Recon and BlackOps can light T1 cyno. So he needs cyno 5 for covert cyno and something that can mount it or he needs to train Recon to light a T1 Cyno. His quickest route would seem to be CovOps.

I have located when the null sec stagnation began FOZZY SOV can we please finally remove it and go back to the eternal conflict?

Consider reducing jump fatigue effects to go with this. When the cyno use has to be far more tactical then jump fatigue is no longer needed ( as much ). Also the limitation of cynos to select ships telegraphs the cyno use when one appears.

Here’s an idea just for quality of life for all eve player put an auto repeat function on DSCAN surely I can’t be the only one that gets sick of hitting the v key every 5 secs for 6 hours a day


I’m for auto D-Scan as long as it is worse than manually pressing it, such as updating every 15 seconds.

so happy i sold all my caps
so happy i did unsub all my accounts but 1
just to login if my alliance needs more numbers

i had 16 years a lot of fun in eve

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When will age of “chaos” affect cloaks

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The issue isnt that people cant take fights or dont have capitals or ways to deal with them.

Its that anything that could POTENTIALLY hurt a killboard is not happening.

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I don’t know if someone already mentioned that but cyno changes was already planed in 2009 bbq.
EvE online Dominion trailer has the hints.
A cloaky force recon lit the first cyno!
The other hint is that the dragoon fleet is not visible on the local until they “enter” the grid!

Also now that ccp is on that please remove API/ESI and ban all 3rd party programs!

Ok, now it is time to go!

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Why? Because you’re losing interceptors? It’s really not a big deal. Cyno interceptors were an abomination that never should have happened.

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Eh, it’s frankly too easy to bubblefork a gate for there not to be some way to get cynos past it. If ceptors can’t cyno anymore, there needs to be other interdiction nullified hulls that can. Too much of a defenders’ advantage otherwise. Especially if you’re not a large-scale entity that can actually afford pre-seeding enemy systems with expensive ships and omega characters, but needs to be able to have all active chars flexible.

Getting a force recon or covops past a bubblecamp isn’t exactly rocket surgery. I mean, it’s exactly what we all used to do, all across the game, in those ‘olden days’ you’re so fond of. It’s just not a big deal to go back to it.

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Through certain camps… yeah, good luck with that. “The olden days” didn’t have dozens and dozens and dozens of Titans available on each chokepoint gate. For large entities, it’d be trivial to make it literally impossible to get a force recon or covops past a gate. Trivial.

Get creative. It may take time, but it’s not hard.

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A claim you can’t back up in any shape, way or form.

Well, great, now I can’t even move my carrier to a logical place to sell it since I can’t, and can’t afford, to get the required ships to move my carrier. YAY. several bill stuck in a useless location that I can’t even sell.

Can’t back up? Go around. No region is as easy to lock down completely as you want to make it out to be. Go the long way around. Fit a probe launcher and find a route in through wormholes.

It may take time, but it’s not difficult, Miz.

Getting past a bubblecamp != getting through a bubblecamp.

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My personal Opinion on this “Update” and all the other “Changes” before in the last (at least) 3 Month:

If CCP dont’t want, that people playing their Game, then say it directly.

All this “Era of Chaos” Nonsense makes no Sense. Why is CCP constantly say, they wanna get the people in Nullsec, and than make it for the Player in Nullsec harder and harder and harder to live their? Are CCP hurting the Great Alliances and Coalitions? Nope not even close.

Only lit a Cyno on Ship XY kills not the logitics in Goonswarm or Northern Coaltion or Fraternity, it kills the logistics in smaller Alliances or Corps. Like the Nullsec Blackout. Or the “Drifter” Invasion that comes at a Time where a Coalition is in a War with another Coalition. Makes no Sense to drive over a Player vs. Player fight (Ok Panfam don’t really fight, but that is their Problem). CCP kills all the Content that the Player created. Eve is the Sandboxgame. But only if CCP let the Player do here thing and don’t interfere every second. And when CCP interfere than only with “Changes” and “Content” that is not really smart and well-reasoned till the end. Thx CCP for change the Game to the Worst. Maybe you ask the next Time the right People for the Right Areas. And certainly not the toxic Eve Redit Community.


Yet another middle finger to small gang and small corps


Another stupid move that seems to be aimed at closing off Null to all except the big alliances.

Remember when the Sov changes were made ? Supposedly they were supposed to “open” Null sec up to the smaller Alliances and (larger) corps.

Then what did they do ? NERFED the jump range of capitals and added “fatigue” just to make things even stupider. And to make it harder for those smaller groups to even get into Null.

Now they are going even more retarded by requiring cyno alts to be in Recons in order to light cynos ? KNOWING that they are no doubt going to be popped ! Losing an alt in a (free) corvette - no problem. Now you are going to expect them to be in T2 hulls just so some people can pretend they are “l33t” by padding their KB stats with easy Recon kills instead of corvettes ?

HOW is that supposed to “open” Null ? (Answer - it isn’t. It’s about closing it off, not opening it up. Just like how they made things even easier for wormholers so they can close their holes and keep everyone else out.)

The smaller groups are not even going to bother with Null anymore. Why ? It’s not worth the effort to even try and get there anymore, let alone try to take some space and go through all the Sov BS that you have to do now.

My old corp had 6 cap pilots and they moved ships (dreads/carriers/Rorqs and JFs) around all the time before the range nerf. Each pilot had a cyno alt (and each cyno had a couple of jump clones). In 2 days those 6 pilots moved 8 Dreads, 8 Carriers, 2 Rorqs and 2 JFs a total of 4 (long) jumps by swapping toons and cyno alts.

After CCP nerfed jump ranges, that same trip would now require 12 jumps, meaning having to put more alts in more stations (assuming there are stations they could set up in now) and taking weeks instead of days.
WoW. Great improvement !

Now you want ALL those alts to be in Recon ships in order to light the cynos ?

Bah. Screw that BS. The caps will just get parked and that’s it. Nice work CCP.

Let’s see how CCP “opens” Null up.
Nerfs Cap jump ranges and adds “fatigue” to make it more difficult to move Caps around, especially for smaller groups (but actually thinks people will just use normal gates to move their fleets around Null). :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Changed the Sov system because “waaa - killing POS’s was oppressive and couldn’t be done with a single F1 click and that meant it took effort - waaaaa”. :sob::sob:
Nerfs the Nullification on Combat Inty’s because “Waaaa - we don’t want them coming into our space”. :sob::sob:
Considers nerfing Warp Stabs because “Waaaa - they are oppressive and we can’t get easy kills on defenseless ships when they have stabs fitted”. :sob::sob:
Considers forcing people to use T2 hulls to light cynos because that will certainly entice them to move their caps around more. :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::laughing:
(LoL and I have a nice bridge I can sell you in Iceland.)

Seems more like they are setting things up so that the bigger groups can close off Null, instead of opening it up like they (CCP) claimed they were trying to do.