For anyone that is still in shock you will only be able to do routine, emergency or strategic type cynos on BLOPS/RECON… just rewatch that chaos interview … CCP LAUGHING IN YOUR FACE!!!
ITS FINE THO… CCP stepping in to right the wrongs now… better HTFU… chaos era … better inject Recons quick… and pay that sub on your cyno alt…
that’s shitty CCP, I support the idea that when fighting in small / medium scale big ships screw up the fight. But it takes away a lot of content. Some groups in eve want exactly a cyno and his friends to come into the fight. But now, we have to politely ask in the local if he can please bring his friends to the fight? we only shoot with a gun.
increase the resources to add a cyno. CPU / Powergrid, whatever. so it’s not worth it to wear it, similar to combat scan.
The cyno change for jump frighters is great, I love it.
But risking a force recon worth 500m+ for every single jump, e.g. for a carrier trawelling through low sec, is just not worth it. What a stupid idea. Who wants to sit in a recon and watch his ship blapped every time a cyno is lit? Really? Sure, station campers will love it!
My suggestion:
Give cyno field moduls additional effects to the ship (force recon) when activated, e.g. increased resistances, similar to the panic-module, so that you have a chance of survival
When cyno field module is activated, ship with cyno activated cannot lock other ships
More meta levels for cyno modules, e.g. tech I with activation time 5 minutes, tech II 4 minutes, faction 3 minutes, and so on…
Still, every ship with a jump drive should be able to fit a cyno field generator.
And now, suddenly it’s gotten a lot harder for supers to catch battleships. Now they can’t cyno over 7 jumps and actually have to warp, or risk a 500m recon
Tune in for the next exciting dev blog when CCP announces no more Dscan in null. After all, if you don’t need to know who’s in local, you REALLY don’t need to know who’s in local. Also, capitals lose warp drive and to offset the buff to JFs, they will only have 500 hull hp and take 5 minutes to dock.
Geez, I miss Unsuccessful at Everything and his CCP Nakedman beating the hive until salt gushed out stories. He would be a blast in this thread.
Nah I meant trying to move things with a recon…because now if you are anywhere in the south or western side of low sec you can bet your ass that both LSH and SNUFF are sitting there waiting to see a cyno pop up.
Interceptors have been dorked up since Fozzie decided that the nullifying that fastest ship on grid was a good idea. “We’ll give them smaller bays so they aren’t used as cynos” because no one ever heard of an expanded cargo hold.
You all are missing the 4D chess CCP is playing. Now every capital and super capital pilot in the game needs at least one Force Recon pilot. What better way to sell more subs, extractors and PLEX?
What? This makes no sense. Capitals aren’t losing their jump drives, you just need Yet Another Alt to pop a cyno now. How in the world do you think this makes capitals less mobile?
I don’t see this changing much aside from JF. Big alliances will just bring in ships off grid. Or everyone has to train BLOPS alts. The big ticket alliances can throw cyno blops around like they’re rookie corvettes.
This just feels like a nerf to JFs or poorer/smaller alliances.
I really like that CCP wants to shake things up, but this feels a bit clunky (I fully supported local blackout for the record).
I been playing Ark. Traded in Spaceships for Dinos, which turns out to be very similar. The biggest difference is anything stupid that the Devs do, you can just mod out!
No need, I won EVE after being forced to listen to Boat singing at the original hellcamp of Greater Fountain in '11. Guys, go back to being bad at EVE please, it was more fun.
I just love it when people point fingers at Goonswarm. They consistently point out the flaws, tell CCP well ahead of time just how it will be exploited and in doing so are called out for whining or trying to kill the game. Yet in not one single case in the 7 years that I have played this god awful game have they been wrong, not once.
Each time they have predicted both the pros and the cons, and then have done exactly as they said they would, taking advantage of each massive screw up that CCP places in the players way.
Fortress Delve isn’t something that was a fluke. It was exactly what the Goon leadership told CCP would happen, many times, yet nobody listened.
So cry Goonie tears and call them out for all to laugh at, but just remember, they got where they are by taking advantage of exactly the things they said would come to pass.
Battleships became obsolete because of T2/T3 specialized/mono-race fleets… and the nerf of the pre-requisites for capital ships, done by CCP in 2012 (no more Battleship V needed, and same for others modules who lost the level V requirement…).
CCP made capitals easier to get and so T2/T3 Cruisers -> (directly) Cap ships became a thing. Battleships are a joke today, apart in few specific cases.
They won’t return from their slumber state because of this cyno change, as a cruiser-size fleets remains more mobile and flexible. They would need a boost, but CCP only knows the “nerf” word.
Capitals should also be made longer to get, as before their stupid pre-requisite nerf.
We only act according of years of bad CCP decisions.
Speaking of BoB, I find it amazing these changes are coming on the heels of BoB (PL and NC. btw) getting stomped on repeatedly. Funny how that once they both are no longer able to drop capitals at will, massive capital changes as well as changes to null in general happen.
People who think that recons will be straight alpha’d are about as smart as this change (Not very). Recons can be massively brick tanked, equal or better than some BLOPS, and have a MUCH smaller sig, thus taking less dmg from many sources. A well coordinated responce group can decloak a recon, light a cyno and have the incoming fax repping the recon before you get it killed. That paired with 2-5 more recons that get BLOPS’d in as back-up and support and you find that the droppers/roaming gang are easily defeated or run off. Oh, and the chances of reinforcements for the droppers will be much lower, as a roaming hunter recon won’t be able to fit that same tank and thus die much faster.
So yeah fortress Delve will be safer, with it’s coordinated response fleets, while the renter systems, with bot infested caps will die in a fire.
REALY?!?!?! Have you even played this game? Do you have a clue about what has gone on for years now? The players time and time again have warned CCP of the folly of many of the changes that have been made, and many that have been reversed, because of exactly what happened, just as the players warned CCP.
CCP might make the game, but it is the players who know not just how the game functions in practice, but also what are the most likely outcomes of changes.
CCP would have a better clue on this as well if they actually played the game anymore, which many have publicly stated they don’t anymore. The few devs who do actively play all seem to be small gang lowsec players, which have a very limited view on the overall game.
You can’t make policy on null, high or WH if all you do is live in low, the gameplay is completely different in each area. Pretending to understand them all is completely moronic to say the least.