Greetings and Bienvenue
Do forgive any misspelled words dear reader for I am on my tredmill trying to drop some weight so I can fill up on the holidays.
I suggest an idea…
An idea that can be taken in many ways but I will only point out the main two that will be obvious.
1: This is a horrible/Dumb/Noobish/Ect.Idea
2: It will get people thinking.
Mining in gerneral is the foundation of this game, they are the unthanked/looked down apon group of people who have helped otheirs by gathering the material needed for many items within the galaxy.
The miners spend countless hours and days mining for the materials that players are too lazy to mine themselves or just buy from the market with ease. This way of life as been the way EVE has been for years and everyone seems to be happy with this way of life BUT…What if that all could change.
What I am suggesting is a STRIKE that if done right could lead to something that could rock the very galaxy itself.
I’m not just some random who is just posting for the “LOLZ” and when reading this I would like for you to take a moment and realize that no matter how crazy this sounds it’s something that could very well be an amazing thing to behold if all the parts fall in to place.
“Get Too The Point!”
I hear you cries already dont worry here is the bag of beans people.
-Here it is-
During my time playing this game I have taken the time to understand the market place of this game and YES everyone can do that but in all reality its like the stock market in the way that the prices of items can go up and down depending on the supplie & demand of such items along with its rarity. This is all basic stuff that we all know so it will not be hard to understand as I progress through this bag of beans.
I know crazy…but hear me out.
I’m not saying to stop mining…in fact keep on mining BUT TOGETHER.
All mining orginaztions joining together to form one group and store and keep all resources in order to grow & improve the orginazation.
YES before I go on some miners will not be agree with this idea and sell but if they are only in the small amount this plot will still go off the same because they will be unable too meet the demand.
Why I do suggest this and what will it do?
During the time of no materials(or a small amount) being available to the public it will cause prices to go up as the materials become more and more limited to the point that the basic material will have a high price value and players will have to mine it themselves but in all honesty they will complain a few minutes or hours before they go out and it themselves (Talking about you OH SO MIGHTY people)
With this is happening it will not be a shock too see people fighting like two crack heads over a dime bag when it comes to getting their hands on some supplies because over time it will happen.
The effects of this will not be fast it will take some time but in time effects will be seen and felt across EVE.