Chaos Project-Part 1: Miner Strike/Future Possibilities

… and?

Does that change that they’re all equally bad?

Alas we then need to define bad within context.

A selfspreading ideology is like a virus. And for a virus this characteristic is “good”.

In a Darwinian view an adaptable ideolgy or one that survives through particular strengths would be a “good” one in terms of survival.

Im not really sure I can see how a society without any ideaology can work. Perhaps you can enlighten me?

Or are the two threads we are talking in starting to merge here?

And is this horrifically off topic?

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Why would we need to define somthing, which is highly subjective in the first place?

When i say ideologies are bad, what i am saying is that the lack of free thinkers, who oppose these boxes, is a problem for everyone. That’s not an assumption, it’s a fact evidenced by past and current history. (is “current history” a proper thing to say?)

Yeah, we’re off topic, but we didn’t start it and there is no way back anyway.

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A fascinating topic and good discourse. But yes off topic.

I wonder if a lack of good topics is a cause of Forum degredation.

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Anyone know what happened last time a thread like this popped up?

Nothing at all :joy:


The way to do this is to not worry about low/null sec miners in the beginning. Focus on impacting high sec mining and organizing a police force during the ‘strike’ period. Once you have armed and created a militia that can enforce it’s will upon high sec in a superior manner than even CODE for these periods then, and only then should you assault null sec.

The idea of this is that you need proof of concept and going after the entire galaxy as your first jump will almost certainly fail. Instead treat it like a social movement that starts in neighborhoods. Create a doctrine for War Dec’d miners as well as for suicide ganking. Move and convert systems organizing them into a mailing list and ensuring they know that it is for the betterment of the trade.

The idea here is since you cannot do something by yourself, then you will need to convince others to do it for you. Create for them a very easy guide on what when and where (their own systems). Make sure you recruit others that carry themselves with some charisma or tact and have them help you spread the word.

Now that the word has been spread, event been set… Crunch time on the numbers you need to know as much as possible about how the state of the game is affected by your strike. Since this will likely make or break any recurring strike then you don’t want to allow anything to fall through unnoticed. Once the numbers are ready and the strike is carried out then you should basically just sit back and relax.

The work is in the action between its origination and its destination. You’ve reached your desired location of having a miner strike. To improve on this then you need to compare the numbers and post your findings on any and all forums possible. Trying to get CCP or any news publication on this as a story would be very helpful to solidifying it as an official eve movement. That is why you need accurate numbers before and after, so they have figures to present.

At least, that is how I would do it. I wouldn’t even start till I had a foundational structure and a few people to help me implement it. The foundational structure being how are you going to communicate to these followers of yours. How will you share intel on violators of the Strike, have you thought about spys or misinformation counter measures, etc.


See, here what will happen (you can be sure it will): even if you’ll convince enough people, taking upon yourself tremendous organization-related load at the same time, when prices actually will start growing, your very fellow miners actively supporting you in words, will start to drop their accumulated wealth using their toons for quick profit. Unless you of course assume they will agree to give all stuff they mined to you to safely store it. At which point you’ll lose their support as it all will start to resemble a typical “bank” scam too much.

Well last time I added the name of the OP to my “Termination Notice” mail and told all the miners they got killed for breaking the strike. :joy::joy:


You are bad…really, really bad. That is such a lovely idea I’m tempted to start ganking miners and sending an email with some names in it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Just be careful and not impersonate such persons.

Since when is it against the rules to say

you died because you didn’t respect the miner strike requested by XYZ



It isn’t. In fact, I’d argue that is an example of EVE’s emergent order…


Some sort of new one? :wink:


Imho some lean towards altruism some lean towards egosim. What I rather think runs in the veins of man is a gaming streak that of hierachisiting through external sometimes fetish like factors examples are:

“I have more Money/cars/finish work than other Person”

and that leads to a perceived tragedy which some religios scholars try to find solution for.

Well just a throwaway hpyothesis …

This free riding Problem appears in a specific model, that should not be forgotten, I can’t analyse it as I’m not used to or know of the model that is relied in this discussion here. I was taught a Christian model of human which does fail considerable and woke up to a economic model that has percieved deficiencies too.

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"pity this busy monster, manunkind,


…etc. (e e cummings)

Sometimes a throwaway hypothesis leads to personal growth in defiance of accepted truth. There are indeed folks who find altruism more comfortable than its opposite; their challenges appear to be wholly different.

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as i’m waiting for everyone to pull money from altcoins to shove money into btc right now, suffering from nerve strangling anticipation, i revert to my 14 year old past self and say…

he said cummings. :grin:

Hehe hehehehe hehehe (c) Beavis&Butthead

That is all.


yup keeping from helper syndrome and abusing oneself by accepting too much workload. people are happy to abuse the principle that 20% people do 80% work. setting limits for oneself being also for others is an art.

Calm down, (bitcoin) miner…!


Afaik it was never against the rules. Why?

Umm, because you brought up impersonation when no one was discussing anything that even pertains to it? Do you understand now?