32.6m SP trained, 385,000 SP unallocated - Tengu/Missiles/Nidhoggur/Hel/Drones
Regular remap available
1 Bonus remap available
no kill rights
positive wallet balance
5.0 security status
NPC Corp - Caldari Science and Trade Institute
Jita 4-4

Looking for offers – if nothing is good going to extract her.

CHAR SOLD TO Yung Yoot FOR 26b

23B offer

I offer 24B

24B by WareDuck currently leading offer, will end auction tonight when i’m home from work if there is no more interest by then.

I shall offer 25b

SpicySpaceNoodle leads with 25b - ending in 6 hours from now at 2023-05-20T05:41:00Z

I will be asleep at that time but will follow through with the buy when i am online next

26b lets goooo

o7 Yung Yoot let me know when sent

Isk and mail sent!

Isk received, transfer started! Thanks Yung Yoot o7


Couldnt even wait for me to beat the offer too

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