T2 Guns
T2 Siege
Positive Sec Status
Positive Wallet
Located in Jita
No Kill Rights
In NPC Corp at time of this Post
Buyout : 18b
T2 Guns
T2 Siege
Positive Sec Status
Positive Wallet
Located in Jita
No Kill Rights
In NPC Corp at time of this Post
Buyout : 18b
Daily bump
Daily bump
offer 13B
Offer noted but too low.
offer 14B
Daily bump
No word from the person who made an offer in game so still for sale. Getting closer to the BO price
daily bump. Still for sale
Are you serious about your bid range or simply waiting for someone to offer 20bil? You don’t seem to respond to anyone.
Not all of us have the luxury of having time to respond to every post as well as in game mail. I for example work 96 hour weeks so it doesn’t leave much time. I had just logged on to lower the B/O when I seen your message.
No worries, just see you bump a lot and checking your mindset. No ill intent implied. Don’t think I can get to 18b
Draconius if you are in game send me a eve mail
Agreed to buy for 17b
agreement confirmed
isk and account info sent