Hello fellow Capsuleers,
Chicks on speed is a small group of veteran players looking to make new friends (maybe a few enemies as well) and grow as a corporation. We are in a small Sov holding alliance with a short blue list, no donuts of the blue variety here.
Here at Chicks on speed we offer:
Plenty of PvP, small and micro gang, BLOPS, gate camping and Sov related warfare.
Wide variety of PvE opportunities from mining and Industry to Ratting.
Alliance SRP for all strat ops, capital and sub capital ships.
Ship handouts for corp level pvp fleets.
New player friendly, Omega preferred.
Alliance and Corp Mumble, Discord.
We are in the ship trading business
You can reach out to us by joining Chicks on Speed Recruitment chat channel in game or contact the following players Teth Razor, H1ghit