So I’ve been around long enough to remember when citadels were first implemented. The original intention was to replace the old Player Owned Structure system (POS). POS’s are still in the game, so not sure what happened there. I’m guessing they literally can’t be removed due to the game’s spaghetti monster code, but I digress.
If citadels, when they were implemented, were meant to replace POS’s, there are some game design elements that, I think, should have been copied over to citadels, but were not.
- Citadel tethering.
I understand people will have differing opinions on this, but I think of entering the POS shields as the same as docking in a citadel. Tethering is interesting because it’s like a safety shield that you enter before entering the safety of docking.
With POS’s you can be inside the shields, safe, but you’re still undocked. Tethering allows that same design to exist; but first of all, it doesn’t make sense to apply tethering before docking or just simply warping to the citadel when you can dock as soon as you land. Secondly, you can be docked, inside the citadel, and still view the outside. I get that you don’t have the undocked UI, so that’s not exactly the same as being actually undocked, but if you have permission to man the guns, then it is. For those that don’t have permission to man the guns, I think tethering should only apply after undock.
- Number of anchorable citadels in a star system, or area.
Under the old POS system, a star system was limited by the number of moons in the system. You can only anchor as many POS’s as there are moons. This created limited housing, which drives conflict. EVE thrives on conflict.
With citadels, there is literally no limit. You can spam as much as you want. This creates unlimited housing, with unlimited storage. This does not drive conflict, and I think does quite the opposite.
If there was a limit on how many citadels could be anchored in an area (star system or constellation), it would limit housing options. If an empire in sov null for example is thinking of expanding currently to accommodate their growing number of capital and super capitals, they just need to anchor another citadel; no problem. If there was a limit, and that empire wanted to expand, but couldn’t because they reached their housing limit for the space they own, they would need to take over somebody else’s space, which would create conflict, which increases daily player login numbers.
- Mass allowed to be stored inside a citadel.
In some ways, this goes along with my 2nd point. In the old POS system, players were limited by how much mass they could put inside the POS hangars. Even inside the shields, there was an unspoken limit. You can only fit so many ships inside POS shields before they start bumping each other out. For capitals and super capitals, this is a big issue.
With citadels, it’s literally not an issue at all. You can cram as much mass inside the citadel as you want. It has unlimited space! This creates a similar problem as unlimited anchoring. If there is no limit on how much mass can be fit inside a citadel, there is no need to expand to accommodate your growing capital and super fleet. If there is no need to expand your empire, there is no conflict.
The way citadels are currently designed heavily favors the biggest alliances. They have unlimited housing with unlimited space to store an unlimited number of capitals and super capitals, not to mention amass an unlimited number of ships for their fleets.
If there were limits, like how there was with the old POS system, it would drive those bigger alliances to either 1). expand into new territory to accommodate their growing numbers and operations or 2). use the old fashion logged-off-in-space super-coffin for keeping their capitals and supers in one area, making it more difficult to safely control an area, which levels the playing field.
To end and summarize, I think if citadels had a limit on how many could be in an area, and how much could be stored in those citadels, we would see many more wars, much more conflict, which would bring more people back to EVE, and increase the number of player logged in and engaging with the community either in wars, or on corp voice comms. As far as tethering is concerned, I don’t think it’s really necessary when docking is the same as being inside the POS shields, but I’m okay with tether only after undock.
Thanks for (hopefully) reading the whole thing. Here’s a line of party parrots to congratulate you for making it down the post this far. Now, what do you think?