Clique of griefers recruiting more for Piracy & Terrorism

Bumping up

bumping up tonight

bumping up again

I’d be interested - haven’t played in ages and can’t play all that often but sounds like a good gig.

Sounds good chief. The most we promise is a good time and some friends to hang out with any time of day. Camps are always social in that regard. Hope to see you soon.

Upper didiyy

Ups we are going

bumping up

Bumping back up

away we go

To the top

Join the good pirates!!

We shall salt the earth. Come join us

Bumping up today

bumping up to top

Allahu akbar bruther badaboom boom boom how do I join your band?

I can play flute.

Just send an application in brother, you’ll be a martyr for our religion in no time.

Sounds like my kind of people. Ill hit ya up in a day or two when I get back home and can get in game

Sounds good fam. Ttyhen

Bumping up for the empire of Rancer.

upup and away