Cloaked Goof is recruiting!

Join your new dysfunctional family today, with Cloaked Goof!

We are a reformed and rapidly growing corporation that caters to new players, returning pilots, and seasoned veterans across EvE. We currently own sov in Pure Blind which provides excellent pvp content of all kinds. We have players spread out through multiple tz’s.

If you are looking for a community which will nurture your growth in EvE while having laughs doing it, look no further.

 Regular PVP fleets from frigate to capital
 Classes for new players and rusty vets
 Friendly and accessible community, willing to help.
 Null ratting
 Mining / Industry w/ Ore buyback
 Jump Freighter services
 A very active Teamspeak + Discord services
 Experienced + Knowledgeable leadership

If you are interested in joining, please join the ‘CLGF Recruitment’ channel in-game, or send an eve-mail to ‘Andre Petrussi’ or ‘Grusom Harkonen’

Bump for the bump gods!


Can I get this man a bump?

Join Cloaked Goof today!



Bump for thy Bump Gods!

Want to become a PvP machine?! Join Cloaked Goof today!

These guys in my recruitment and acadamy training team are working tirelessly to provide a great home for new an old players.

Weve already recruited a wealth of players and are currently seeing 30-40 active daily between 22:00 and 03:00.

If you are looking for a corp thats active, loves a good fight and has an actual sense of humour come check us out, Like all these other misfits you wont be dissopointed :smiley:


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Are you a veteran play with the urge to teach new players? Cloaked Goof has a place for you! JOIN TODAY!

April Fools! Time for a bump

Our drunk fleets are worth at least some mediocre whisky

Proud CEO here, Currently with 200 players active in the last 2 weeks we have a massively active player base who love to have a right laugh and pvp / pve the hours away.

come check us out you really wont be dissopointed, both old and new players welcome


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