Doesn’t matter if it’s cheap or expensive, it’s all relative.
It’s an asset and as every asset in the game it should, “SHOULD” , be possible
to insure relatively to its value.
The Question is more poignant like… WHO is going to CREATE the OFFER?
I’m an entrepener, IF I had the possibility to SET UP my OWN Corporate Insurance, and offer it to other players, of my corp, for example, I could do it.
There is nothing wrong with it.
I’m a very small corp. Without the required pepper to add to the Pasta.
If you like the Pasta don’t add pepper.
If I could buy some pepper, I’d buy it.
If someone offers you a Pasta without pepper, ask him where he got the
pepper from, don’t just eat it.
The problem raise when any Corp wants to issue a proper insurance, like a contract.
It’s not possible. Only privately or by external link. (eg Ship program - Incursion)
This could be a Jump trail for Eve… a mini-revolution…
Imagine, skill sets, new markets, Players would want to jump onboard the wagon if it promises
a return… See? There’s always two sides of the Coin… and One Bull… or was it a Bear???