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Cable uta no longer for sale?

Will add him when I’m done sorting assets on him

Will take 404 4b if still available

I accept send isk & details and I will start transfer

isk and details sent to 404 in game

Transfer Started

5 billion isk B/Owhen i get home in 2 hours

As forum rules state Isk will be going to character sold and must be in NPC corp at time of sale

Can you confirm you agree with this?

its fine as long as I know :smiley:

The Sotiyo Ninja
5.5 buyout offered again! haha

and accepted once more

Sent 5 billion is to Jottlekaj

Account info sent via Jottlekaj evemail

Transfer started

Char still not recieved, let me know when you have started the transfer

I have not received the transfer yet either. You have 16 hours to rectify this or a report will be filed.

Both of your transfers have been started with petition and since there is no confirmation untill GM’s actually complete the transfer i can’t “prove” I’m doing it unless you want me to plaster your account names on here.

I remind you transfers can take up to 48 hours depending on the que of transfers.

Best I can do for now.
Msg me on discord or mail bananaboat blues in game for a link to your specific petition.

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Anyone else had their transfer completed yet?

Stll waiting.

I don’t think it’s the seller sleeping on the transfers. I have had a ticket in for 2 days and haven’t heard a peep from anyone. It’s just lackluster “support” at this point. Mine hasn’t gone through yet either

Eve Vegas was on at the weekend, expecting hungover staff