Roman Castros Skillboard || Eve Is ESI || A Third Party Eve Online App
Positive wallet
Jita Stationed
2 bonus remap plus 1 unused remap
Clean employment history. Minmatar starting school
Minmatar Subsystems All level 5
Minmatar Cruiser 5
Drones 5
Medium Drones Specialization 5
Drone Avionics 4
Sharpshooting 4
Navigation 4
Durability 4
CPU Management 5
Power Grid Management 5
Capacitor Systems Operation 5
Capacitor Management 4
Thermodynamics 4
Energy Grid Management 4
Weapons Upgrade 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
Heavy Assault Missiles 5
HAM Specialization 4
Missile Bombardment (range) 4
Missile Projection (range) 4
Missile Prediction (application) 4
Missile Precision (application) 4
Rapid Launch (damage) 4
Warhead Upgrades (damage) 4
Shield Management 4
Shield Operation 4
Shield Compensation 4
Shield Manipulation 4
Navigation 5
Acceleration 4
Afterburner 4
Evasive Maneuver 4
Signature Analysis 5
Long Range Targeting 4
Target Management 4
Astrometric 4
Relic Hack 3
Date Hack 3
Strength 3
Deviation 3
Duration 3
Never joined a player corporation so employment history is very clean. Overall, a good starter Loki, excellent for starting players who want to fly a decent ship that can do many contents. Will save you several months of training time. Definitely better than just flying frigates and destroyers.
Selling for 7Bil.