Closed due to low offers ๐Ÿ”ฅ WTS 2012: 31M SP Character + 2.2M Unallocated SP

Hey Capsuleers! :wave:

:link: EVEBoard/Skillboard Link: - chriss Katelo

Looking to turbocharge your EVE experience? Iโ€™m selling a beast of a character thatโ€™s ready to dominate the stars! :star2: Check out the juicy details below:

:bar_chart: Skill Points: 31 million SP
:sparkles: Unallocated SP: 2.2 million (:gem: worth 4.7B ISK!)
:round_pushpin: Location: Jita (trade hub central!)
:money_with_wings: Wallet: Positive balance (ready for action)
:arrows_counterclockwise: Remaps: 2 remaps available (flexibility at your fingertips)
:shield: Jump Clones: Safe and sound in high-sec
:white_check_mark: Security Status: Positive (fly anywhere, worry-free!)
:dollar: Buyout Price: 35 billion ISK (get it before itโ€™s gone!)

Why settle for average when you can have a character with 2.2M unallocated SP to mold into whatever you need? This is your chance to customize and conquer! :zap:

Got questions or ready to seal the deal?

Skillboard cannot be viewed, make it public from the dropdown settings menu.

Thank you for letting me know.

SO we got an Orca - Mining Fleet booster here o7
Lets start you just above extraction value:

18b offer

20b offer

closed to low offer. will keep for now. if anyone wants to make a serious offer. message me

22B offer

Link expired.