[CLOSED]WTS 18m SP char, good Engineering/Navi etc, more Armor Logi oriented

Skill: SkillQ.net - Loli M
Clean History, Never left NPC Corp (SingleEntry under Employment).
Can remap now + 2 Bonus Remapsavailable.
Positive Wallet.
No Killrights.
Location: Jita 4-4.

Notable skills:
Remote Armor Repair Systems V,
Repair Drone Operation V,
Amarr Battleship V,
Logistics Cruisers V,
Precursor Cruiser V,
Minmatar Systems All V.
b/o 14b

I’ll give you 10B b/o. Thank you


Thank you, B/O received and accepted.Auction is now closed. Awaiting ISK and account info from the buyer.

ISK sent

Character transfer initiated.
If you have any questions about the character after you recieved him, please let me know.