CODE. announces February contest (win up to 12 billion isk)


How are posts like this allowed to remain open when they are absolutely anti-forum policy.


Some of my posts have been locked and if this one doesn’t get the same fate then im gonna suspect favouritsm.

I’m watching closely… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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The CODE. always wins, my friend, always!


How can lemmings running into an inferno win? Code lost long ago.

Ah, the classic Denialist.

I’ll just leave it at that. Your response is similar to a child with hands over ears having a tantrum. Have fun a la code. Suggestion for those who can play eve.:arrow_down:

So what did you lose? Was it a freighter? :blush:


If by lemmings, you mean Antimatter Ammo, and by Inferno, you mean antitanked, afk, semi-botting ship, then yes, we are winning handsomely.


I’m a new character. Only heard of the miner kamikazes on this game…Choad? I think the fad is over, you’re only doing what old pvper’s did during their spare time before the suspect patch. A result of the alpha introduction?

The high sec mercenaries sure enjoyed the squishy expensive citadels that every alpha clone wanted, why not have an old pass-time turn into a viral toxicity in the game by having an evangelist-style eve toon, kinda like a cheesy Jimmy Swaggert rip-off organize a mob of F1 mashers?

Even the pod poppers of the old days are more revolutionary then code, when they came about a decade plus ago?

The fact that I was asked if I lost a freighter proves a point. What is the point of driving a freighter? Being a loot pinata? I would never consider it no, but I wouldn’t limit myself to a cloud of destroyers?

I’d fight other people wanting to fight, not growing such a taint within your “cult”?

I will pray for you.


If it meant anything I’d encourage, but your dishonesty only hurts you. The edit option is neat as an afterthought. If only on twitter

You can’t even spell ‘dishonesty’, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously?


Typical of one of your flock. You’re a F1 masher and typo correcter? We can have you up to speed with SIRI’s intelligence in no time.

You can’t even spell ‘intelligence’, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously?


You can’t even spell ‘afterthought’, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously?


I’m showing youn a mirror right now. See the clown staring back?

You can’t even spell ‘mirror’, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously?



I’ll take the 12bill, although that’s not a lot. The fact I can edit is awesome. I just want 12 bill, I’ll buy you freighters so you can gank them?

Calm down miner, let’s get back to basics and work on your composition skills.


I like the 3-digit fullerine. I don’t think code is there…

DOMO ORIGATO, mr. one-line of code.