12th Annual Venture Hunting Contest


As Saviourette of the New Order, and heiress of James 315 (peace be upon Him), I am pleased to announce the twelfth annual New Order Venture Hunting Contest.

:upvotepartyparrot::partying_face: :partyparrot:


Everyone is allowed to participate, and we are offering initial consolation prizes of 7.5 billion isk for the destruction of Ventures, Prospects, and Endurances, with a GRAND PRIZE of 25 billion! If you would like to contribute to the prize fund, send isk to Aiko Danuja. Welcome friends, to the Great 2024 Venture Hunting Contest EXTRAVAGANZA!

:moneybag: :princess: :moneybag:

This year’s VIP guest host is: Rafa Quinterro and the contest will run through the New Year! Good luck capsuleers!

:tada: :partying_face:


The Conference Elite will put up an additional 25 billion isk for the first place prize winner.


Are We Invited Also?


re; only for Safety or is Code also invited?


Awwwww why stick this here if its only for Safety… I was about to ask what would I get for using my Super on Ventures xD

Boo Highsec only


Anyone can participate



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After reviewing the contest rules,we have determined that participation will be open to everyone, miners included! Welcome friends, to the Great 2024 Venture Hunting Contest EXTRAVAGANZA!


Praise Aiko

I’m in HS for the first time doing a silly HS war xD

And I do have a stash of Catas :slight_smile:

And Battle fit Procurors :smiley:


In respect for Princess Aiko and her trustworthy followers, please don’t ping or type the forbidden pilots name on this thread. (same goes for @Uriel_the_Flame this request is for you too to honor please)


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Eh? I have no idea who you are on about.

But maybe you mean some sorta Cold Object that goes into drinks


Does it include suspects killed, and do I get 4 times the points for killing a flashy yellow Retriever. Can I have 10 points for killing an Enyo, as everyone knows they are pesky like wasps on a cream doughnut and ought to be destroyed.

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Is Aiko aware whose alt you are?

:thinking: :smirk: :popcorn:

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If you’re aiming for the big prize, I want to let you know that I’ll be in the competition as well. I promised Aiko to gift her the blood of ten thousand new born ventures, and I intend to make good on that promise. So good luck, fellow contestants! May the best one win!

With incoming regards
-James Fuchs


If Revenant expansion brings public corp projects for non members at last, that would ease logistics of such endeavors in the future…

Maybe this will encourage more people to go Omega.

It is what I can do that matters

It is a scam as every year. Only SAFETY members can win.

Join them then and you win :slight_smile:

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Aww, did somebody join the wrong alliance?

Nobody else to play with, just all by yourself everyday?

Maybe your alliance leader will hold a contest for you?

Does he even login?



All I am saying that if someone wants to gank, he rather gank something more sensible. Plenty of autopilotting covops and stealth bombers everywhere, easily killed even in 1.0 with coercer.