CODE. Bowheads are useless in Hisec

If they wont listen to words, how else does one convince them to become prepared?

And why would one assume that the people who do the least to protect themselves are the most likely to flip when they lose something?
If a person doesnt care about protection, why would one assume they would care when something of theirs is lost?


My attitude is pretty simple, people reacting in local after a loss is rather lame, but normal, the abnormal part is sending a bait mail to push them to react further and being surprised at the vehemence and vitriol. I know that you want content for your website so could perhaps understand it on that basis, but then to go off and report them seems a bit meh.

I think its the reporting part to CCP that puts it on the level of griefing at least for me and I think a lot less of you guys for doing that.

And if that is difficult to understand then…

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I would like to add my 2isk, if I may, and say

the usual MMO distinction between Role-Players who
*raises sword of might to the night sky
etc and players who just ‘play the game’

Does not hold in eve,

anymore than the distinction between those who pve and 'honourably’pvp with those who grief, that is common in games with restricted PVP systems, holds in eve.

Whether CODE or AG or militia members, or Goons, or even some PL guy think of themselves as ‘role-players’- they ARE role-playing.

the persistent nature of the sandbox and its unity, means characters do not have to make up an imaginary backstory about being born a lowly minmatar slave, they are thrust into a virtual world and forced to play a role.

TLDR: EVE is about 75% propaganda and roleplay, 20% waiting for something to happen, 5% PVP (all the forms of PVP: pewpew, station trading, hauling, scamming, producing, mining, mission running for loots to sell).

Further TLDR: You are all LARPERS, and the content is great as a result, I mean no one takes this stuff seriously like they take things like the events on the actual rl news seriously do they?

I mean, no one who gets what eve is, knows it’s history, and has read the ‘new player faq’ and help centre topics provided by the devs?


Y…you mean Im not really a Blood Raider and low level Forum Frigate tackle?

My gods…


You replied so quick I was still editing my awful spelling and adding more words

or rather I type too much!

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Hi Dracvlad, about the ‘understanding’ bit: it’s just that some folks are not good at putting out their ideas coherently. I was remarking on it (somewhat testily, I allow) because I’m sure that in many cases it’s down to lack of effort rather than of ability. Mr Rabbit made his point succinctly and without histrionics.

Communications between gankers and their targets are a personal matter, dealt with in whichever way seems best to the ganker at the time. No doubt, to be contacted immediately following a gank by the person responsible could be regarded as a provocation. Conversely, it is also the best time to engage in recruitment activity, or to provide helpful information of the sort often claimed by Lowsec gankers. But nobody takes issue when it happens there only, mysteriously, when it happens in Highsec. Something else James 315 pointed out years ago, in response to blogger The Nosey Gamer.

As regards reporting offensive comments to CCP, I’ve already stated that I haven’t done it. Certain types of abuse constitute hate crime in the UK, and are reportable, whether or not there is perceived to be ‘provocation’.

I am never surprised by violence and vitriol (or much else, I regret to say); but it is…disappointing.

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I was born free! Long live the Republic! Help free our brothers and sisters enslaved by the Amarr!



Conforming to the ideals of any of the “empires” is slavery.

Embrace the fullness of your Capusleer heritage!

Omir Sarikusa is the way and the light!

Obey your thirst!


Is black pudding a suitable substitute for liquid sacrements?


You got it wrong. It was “do not play ‘i didn’t expect that!’ when result of your actions is easily predictable”.

For example take a look at recent history with Gigx. Judge knew Gigx and prepared the trap accordingly. He made his attack well knowing that Gigx will not be able to keep calm and got Gigx banned.

It’s another question really.

If you assume that person “does not care” then why spending effort and time attacking him? For this matter you might as well kill NPCs.

I don’t talk about others but for me PvP when both sides “do not care” has no meaning and i don’t do it.


It comes down to what you believe, I think. Personal beliefs by no means have to be backed up with evidence.

I believe that I am responsible both for my own actions and for my reactions to the actions of others - always supposing that both I and the other person are rational adults, and free from complex mental illness.

These days, people seem to avoid like the plague the taking on of personal responsibility. Others have called it the ‘blame culture’, where it’s always someone else’s fault if something unpleasant happens to us. Hopefully there’s even $compensation$ in the offing!

Mind, I don’t say that people don’t do nasty things to one another, or that they should escape the consequences of their actions, simply that it appears to have become the norm that the first reaction (as in my example) is to find a way to blame someone other than ourselves for our own shortcomings. I’m sure you can think of examples.

The result of any of my actions may seem predictable if viewed from the perspective of someone for whom 2+2 always equals 4, but human behaviour is notorious for being as far from predictable as it’s possible to get.

A long time ago now, I was intrigued by the novels of Iris Murdoch, whose take on being human somewhat resembled yours in that, put simply, she seemed to regard human behaviour as a largely mechanical business: push X button, you get Y. I enjoyed her novels very much, but was always puzzled by the fact that (it seemed to me, I can’t recall) in each book there appeared a character who didn’t like music. Indeed, none of her characters displayed the slightest regard for music. I’ll just leave that there.

Our upbringings differed, it seems

You have to be careful assuming that people like myself and March rabbit do not believe in personal responsibility and are embracing blame culture, you are projecting here.

For example I am wondering if a policeman in Sarcelles was on anti-depressants when he gunned down two people in the street and his father in law and injured three other in-laws seriously, but someone will of course blame the fact that he had a weapon… Sometimes one has to think about things a bit deeper to really get an understanding of cause and effect… , but what the hell can I do when people ignore the obvious :frowning:

For your viewing pleasure:

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I hope I didn’t assume that you and Mr Rabbit weren’t sufficiently intelligent to be able to distinguish these nuances; I certainly didn’t intend to do so.

As for projection; I think it’s almost unavoidable when discussing such personal matters. I don’t believe it invalidates a position, in the same way that someone’s saying ‘spiritual healing works’ is not in my view invalidated by the lack of solid ‘evidence’ to support such an assertion.

As social beings, I think humans seek always connections, bridges between their own experiences and those of others. I daresay this often leads to some form of ‘projection’, but I prefer to leave such a term to the behaviourists and to avoid using it in polite conversation.

The policeman you mention was the subject of a tragic incident, of which I’ve only just read. It seems, from early reports, that his girlfriend (who was injured) had dumped him, or was about to do so. Stretching a point, some people might say that what unfolded was partly her fault; she shouldn’t have dumped him. This is where rationality comes in. We can agree that, if she knew that provoking him in this way would have bad consequences, she might have refrained, but in the end, his actions were his own, irrespective of any provocation whatsoever. His subsequently taking his own life might support such a view.

If you knew (and you might for all I know) the true boundaries of cause and effect, you might be surprised at the power of a single action, a mere word…

Well I must say you are an intelligent chap. o7 I also find Teckos smart too.

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I would not say “it’s her fault”. But i surely would take this into account while discussing “how it happened so policemen did that horrible thing”.

That’s what i’m trying to say: it’s not simple “sometimes carebears behave weirdly”. It’s about understanding all the story. If you want to understand. But if all you want is to blame someone then… Well… They just carebears…

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Well there is something else which I am now aware of which might explain this event, but I will never find out about the anti-depressants.

You are quite right it is to understand all of the story, from what I have seen those who suffer avoidable loss in Eve merely do so because most of the time they do not have the game play time to avoid said loss, so in effect the war by CODE is against filthy casuals…, because for people like me, avoiding a loss is simply a matter of not being an attractive gank and that takes time…

PS Does anyone know how to get the drop down select in username to work on the login client short of pinning the account? It remembers my profiles, but never the user name, it sucks big time.

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One of the core attributes of CODE, is that it is LARP based.

That was THE defining characteristic which resolved the past conflict/negotiations with CCP in favor of CODE.

CODE came very, very close to being wiped out entirely by admin slap, but managed to present sufficiently ingenious and EVE-integrated “fluff” to demonstrate they are providing content in a way that is inline with EVE rules/ethos.

A very admirable achievement, all things considered, and a significant part of EVE history.

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Maybe you should really talk to one of the real RP guys and then he can explain you why we are not an RP alliance.

Some history lesson for you:

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Well it does not really matter what CCP thinks of and accepts with CODE though I will agree that they are role playing, that is how I treat them.

CCP’s issue with attracting and retaining casual players is entirely on their shoulders and it is not just being free to play, because if being short on game play time and having one account turns you into an easy kill for time rich other players then it is still not attractive as a game.

You and I have a difference of opinion on structures, for me the changes in terms of vulnerability is another slap to casual players, as I am not one it does not impact me personally, but I know people who are and one gave up on his entire indy setup because of this and is about to de-sub. I guess he does not get Eve, lol.

For moving Freighters and Bowheads with at least a chance you need two accounts, so much of this game requires a second account so as to not be an easy kill patsy, that is not casual play and as such the core issue for CCP. CODE in terms of this is just a declining side show.

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I played P&P RPGs from 9-15, and MMORPGs for the next 22yrs.
I am one of those guys you speak of. I know RP when I see it.

Even in EVE, I RP as MYSELF ingame on this character.
Even this avatar is based on my own face.

Flying around demanding to see a fictional license in the name of protecting innocent space rocks, is RP, no matter how you cut it.

The equivalent in WoW would be a guild of dwarves that run around pretending to demand licenses for players to mine ore outcroppings on their mountain. Or a guild of NElf hippies trying to prevent herb harvesting, claiming their are protecting the environment and endangered flora.

Funny and good content? Yes. RPing? Absolutely.