CODE. Bowheads are useless in Hisec

OK, so I am sorry to be less than what you think I am, and I respect you for that.

In my defense they are fishing and they want a long winded reply to say why they are wrong, it is sometimes better to just walk away with a joke comment. I would only bother saying something if it had any value, in the end I thought that there was a part of his rant that was fair so I edited my reply to say that.

But in terms of his post I know it was a bait post, so I laughed at it, I have however spent some time talking about this with you in a clear way, I should be more precise that I did not care what you thought on my reply to that post, if he was reasonable well…

Why would I do that, you don’t deserve such an answer.

You do have to be careful about it because a lot of rabid AG posters are not in fact AG…


Fair points, well made.

Perhaps Im now better equipped for… enjoying… the banter now.

I thank you for that.


Without any doubt and they hate it when I can prove otherwise to them.

Totally that, when they are beaten by people they despise they get rather upset.

You get it totally.

So very true.

I don’t know, Dom Akaral has left the game, he sent a mail to me among others, which was nice of him and I wished him all the best. I do however tend to have a bit of fun with those who want to get personal, it is fine because I can hack it.


Let them rage at each other.

The more antipathy, the better.

Returning to topic:

Do Bowheads drop the the ships they are carrying upon destruction?


Yes at the whim of the loot fairy…

Interesting, the guy obviously moved the real bling modules separately…

Also I have the same fit, eeek!

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Tbh the Bowhead is mislabelled as an “HS carrier” to begin with.
I dont have much sympathy, since Ive flown any number of ships I needed from x->y using a mere Mammoth.

If we are real about Bowheads, they are used to move hulls from HS markets to NS and back, far more than inside HS for Incursions.

The jump nature of the ship is not of any real relevance/usefulness whilst traversing HS.
Its usefulness is largely vested in jumping over LS, inorder to deliver hulls to and from HS to NS.

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If it was NS it would have a jump drive, I really wish there was one, I would have one like a shot.

I have used DST’s for that, but the key part is that a Bowhead is used to move fitted ships in terms of the rigs more than anything else.

I used mine to move fitted ships between different hisec bases, however being the person I am the expensive ships were actually flown, furthermore I did specific high value module runs in a special T3C. In terms of this game you just have to be smart and have the time to do it properly.

A lot of incursion runners use them, I have advised a number of people how to do it properly, the loss I linked was someone who knew what he was doing.


I agree with you that anger is a normal human emotion, although its parent, irritation, is far more common, I think, and perhaps therefore more ‘normal’? Certainly in a general sense.

However, in-game and out of it, the inability to practice self-restraint to some degree often leads to trouble. In-game this is usually - and rather strangely - confined to verbal assaults. I give an example, from a Highsec gank recipient, quoted at the end of one of my YouTube movies and taken from an old EVEMail or maybe Local, I don’t now recall (I’ll give the link if you really want it):

Xcalybur1: “How about this, I hope your mother dies slowly, r…p…d by mentally ill convicts and left in the desert to have her face eaten by coyotes!”

Tell me, in what society of any kind (virtual or otherwise) is anger expressed in this way ‘normal’? If we look at real-life, such anger has certainly proved to be a motivator, though with outcomes not wholly indicative of the positive…

James 315 has been at pains to point out, both privately and publicly, that EVE Online is first and foremost a game. He’s actually a good example of calculated restraint. Never, in any of his published works or interview, has he ever used a single example of profanity, or even lost his rag. I should know; I’ve voiced most of it.

It seems to me that behind a great deal of anger lies insecurity and, sometimes, fear. As gankers, we counter this by instilling confidence in our trainees, and an attitude which relegates most losses to the merely trivial. Again, I’m sure this is the same for much of ag folks.

You are championing anger, justifying your position by maintaining that ‘natural’ (your ‘normal’) equals ‘good’. I’m just inserting a word of caution; that anger is hardly natural if artificially sustained and used to abuse people. A double-edged sword, I suppose.

TL:DR Salvos regards anger as a positive emotion. I note a word (or three) of caution.


We are talking about a game, and emotional investment within it, played by humans.

Yes, I do see anger as a normal, healthy, reaction to loss.

Being angry at loss has been a central part of human experience and social evolution for eons.

How “positive” that is, depends on how the angry person expresses/deals with that anger.


Well this was a thread about Bowheads, and I would think that the OP’s premise had been well and truly refuted.

Sasha, are you really offended or even surprised by that example you posted, I would say that it showed imagination and a touch of (dark) humour, but if you or the person who quoted this are surprised and offended then don’t send gloating emails after ganking someone… It is not exactly rocket science!

And please do not insult me by telling me I condone this type of thing, because I don’t, I don’t like additional oil on the fire and I don’t like people saying this type of thing and I most of all don’t like the sanctimonious they are bad type of superiority post that people make over it.

And Salvos above hits the nail on the head with his post.

And to add one more thing, I have blown up a fair amount of people and I have had people say things to me in local, not once did I report it, I wonder why that is?


You really can’t stop lying can you? You’ve never been on comms with me and an audio clip of me raging over EvE doesnt exist either. I’ve failed plenty of ganks sure, ag being the reason? Not even once, and they’ve tried many many times.

They do so well that you have to lie about some made up story of them saving a freighter as an example… There are plenty of tools ag could use to stop gankers, they use hardly any of them because they’re terrible at the game, can’t think of them and would rather spit their venom in local while tagging ships set to die to Concord, thinking they’re actually doing anything but make us laugh.

I find it really funny people giving agers a false sense of importance thinking that they’re a counterweight to us. We’re making content, they’re trying to stop us making content. They wouldn’t be patrolling uedama 20 hours a day without us creating that content, and them being gone would change almost nothing in how we play. But CODE. and other gankers being gone on the other hand would radically change the game, nobody can deny this.

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Someone said you were Loyalanon, you seem rather angry so it could be possible, and your reading and comprehension is not very good like many of you lot because above I quite clearly say that I did not record him raging when Herzog blew up the wreck.

Because they did save it, you are the one making it up and it is highly amusing.

And they are? It is easy to say there are plenty of tools and then not detail a single one,… Oh and salty over people trying to race CONCOD, oh dear…

Oh my god a slight acknowledgement, that I have to say is amusing, you finally admitted in the most understated way possible that AG do have an impact, way to go tiger.

CODE are dying, but gankers will never disappear in this game, I have no idea why you keep saying this, is it something that you want to happen? Because you keep mentioning it when people like me don’t even say that… Projecting yet again, how unoriginal.

You amuse me, a lot…

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What’s with you and playing the salty card? It doesn’t give you some higher ground, it makes you look like you don’t have an actual retort. I don’t need adhoms, I have facts.

My comprehension is fine. You said you’ve heard me raging on comms, you haven’t. You thinking I’m another player isn’t due to my comprehension.

Why would I give people good ideas on how to stop me ganking?

They make me stick eccm scripts in our sebos… They don’t stop ganks from happening, nor us executing them. Do you really think that’s an achievement?

What… when did I say gankers would disappear? I said them being gone would dramatically change the game.

When someone as smug you are writes the drivel you write while throwing buzzwords like salty around, the thought of how horrible it would be to spend time with someone as unpleasant as you goes through my mind. I have a headache. Sad thing is, there a lot like you in the ag channels. :neutral_face:

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If you are not Loyalannon then I have not heard you raging on comms, if you are then I have.

Facts, like showing me the dead freighter from the incident above, crickets chirping anyone…

If you cannot back it up don’t say it, there are plenty of ways and yet you don’t even say one…, not a surprise

Well they have and do, and yes making you change what you do is by definition an acheivement, like switching to SB’s from Catalysts, due to people bumping the freighter out of optimal.

That is not on the table and I have no idea why you lot keep saying that, it is some sort of narrative you wish to push, sure beats me…

Go play kitty on line, next thing you will be asking is for safe spaces, well actually some of your group do, oh that nasty man used a swear word, rofl…

As I said you amuse me a great deal.

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Hi Dracvlad, there’s a touch of irritation about your response. Natural though that is, I’m at pains to keep the lid on stuff, if I can.

You’re right; nothing I said necessarily involves Bowheads in the slightest. The ‘keep it on topic’ rule is sometimes useful, and worth bearing in mind. But when someone says something with which I take issue, I may respond, and ignore any rules or guidelines.

The kind of ‘Bowheads are useless in Hisec’ remarks made by Xcalybur1 (and others!) don’t actually ‘reach’ me. I read the words and evaluate them without engagement. I see that you find imagination and humour in this example, Dracvlad. I just see impotent rage, badly handled!

You mention the ‘Bowhead’ gank email that some of us routinely send following a gank. This you seem to regard as some sort of provocation. I’ve no comment to make there.

I’ve noticed lately that more considered responses to ‘CODE. Bowheads are useless in Hisec’ threads, have begun to appear. I think it’s just a factor of our increasing age. Of course, there are exceptions (no names).

I wouldn’t dream of (directly) insulting anyone, forums or not.

I’m pleased that you and Salvos have found common ground.

I’ve never reported such statements either.

I think one of my characters can fly a Bowhead. Perhaps it’s worth a try. I know I won’t get ganked by CODE. or the New Order; I’ve an up to date Permit in my Bio. Don’t know about Miniluv though. Nah, they won’t be a problem.


… Yet almost all fleets with bombers have cats running with them. It’s not like they’re a force multiplier that do a lot more damage then a T2 cat or anything. If what you said was true, we’d be using T1 bombers instead of cats, we don’t.

What are you even talking about? Arguing with some kid on 4chan nets a better conversation than trying to talk to you. What a waste of time. :confused:

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Sasha, no irritation at all, just making sure that this talk about anger and baiting is not the subject matter and I was not trying to be smart about it, more like a post to say that is my feeling on Bowheads before someone throws it at me. I think you agree with me that Bowheads are very useful in hisec.

There is no need to add ‘Bowhead’ like that to every response, but if you want to do that to cover yourself then I understand, at least I hope that is what it is and not irritation at my perceived irritation.

That mail is a provocation, no if’s buts and what about it, I have blown up a lot of ships and I have never seen the need to send some smug email over it, and I don’t see the need to even respond to someone losing their cool in local, and that includes running off to CCP to say that this nasty man said this. I hope that people start to be more mature about it, after all letting off steam is perfectly normal.

Anyway, fun reply I think…


What is a T1 bomber?

4Chan is fun, a lot of fun, and by the way I am not talking to you, I am taking the mick out of you, big difference and yes you are confused…

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Well… You have a point.

But you have one more step here.

  • You know that some people cannot control themself while feeling anger and loss. To the point of non-normal behaviour.
  • And you provide them with anger and loss.

Legally speaking you might be clean but it was you who forced them out of control zone. You helped them to lose control and behave unsocial.

Yes, it’s only game but even then you have miriad of ways to enjoy it. And what do you choose? You choose to target people who most possible not prepared to lose. And those are the most suspectible to lose control over it.

So at the end this unsocial behaviour (which you blame) is a result of both your and other player actions. And you cannot just blame other side for it and say “it’s only game”.

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Hi Mr Rabbit, thanks for your response, which is clear and easily grasped (unlike those of some others around here).

I suppose it’s best summed up as ‘It wasn’t my fault, he made me do it!’

I’m sure I recall screaming that as my father took down the gnarled leather belt from its perch on the wall… (fiction: my father would have used the verbal equivalent)