CODE. Bowheads are useless in Hisec

We all know you get confused by words easily. So I try it one time again and then I leave you to your ramblings:

RP has a distinct meaning in EVE, it is people who play as if they really are capsuleers within New Eden with limited knowledge about the whole history etc. They have special rules about what a capsuleer can know and what he can’t and is OOC.

What the New Order does is almost entirely OOC. The very foundation of our organisation, the Code, speaks about players, AFK, risk/reward, Highsec, etc, in all our talks we always speak about EVE as a game from the perspective of a gamer of said game and not from the perspective of a capsuleer who immerses himself into the lore and pretends to me an immortal spaceship pilot.

And without a doubt you will now continue to ignore all the points I made and go back to discuss the word RP which you use in such a broad way that everyone and his mother is roleplaying and therefore completely loses every meaning.


This is false.

There is a distinction between having an opinion on HS mechanics or the behavior of other players, and RPing that ingame.

Demanding to see a fictional license to defend innocent space rocks, is not an OOC action, its intrinsically ingame, enacted by the character, and its context is RP.

The entire concept of a “CODE License”, is completely RP.
No “CODE License” exists ingame, except in the minds of RPers.


This too, is false.

Capsuleers in EVE are immortal and have more knowledge of EVE history than any other non-capsuleer entity in EVE.

None of them where “born” yesterday, regardless of the character creation date.


Then again, your RP performance as the “armchair philosopher” is as excellent as always.

Which begs the question did they actually man up and declare war on CODE.

If they didn’t yeah, mechanic are against them.

There you go straight into personal attacks again, he defined it correctly as role playing, I have always thought CODE was role playing, you are referring to the goals of an Eve character and declaring him the saviour of hisec or Empire space, and as that space is NPC space…

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Just to be clear, this isnt something that anyone n EvEOF is innocent of.

I even remember the first thing Slavos ever said to me pretty clearly 3 years ago was one, lol.

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So sensitive. I should know that humour is a lost cause with you guys.

That on the other hand is roleplaying


So you are saying you un-ironically, non-RPwise, actually believe James315 is the Savior of HS, that you are a CODE Agent, that the licenses really exist ingane, and that you are protecting innocent space pixel rocks?

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Can you please be a bit more precise on what you were replying to, I have lost track of what it could be, sorry…

Salvos stated very clearly what he defined as role playing in terms of CODE, which is something I agree with, and the retort was an attempt at humour but still a personal attack.

NPC space in terms of interacting with the declaration of control in terms of that space. If I did that then I would be role playing.

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And personal attacks are something everyone here seems to do.

I was just making an observation.

I wanted to feel involved sniff


I tend to wait for others to start first, and in my experience CODE players always disappoint…

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Here, have a bandaid to finally stop the bleeding.

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In RL I have a rule of “Never start but always finish”

In EvE that appears to be the opposite. In game that is.

Not just in EVE is there the distinction between “serious RP”, in which the player plays the character to the letter, and “RP lite”. I’d agree that what CODE. does would never be considered RP by the IGS crowd.
It’s a lot of work to stay truly in character… so I’ve never been into “serious RP” :wink:

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This is an example of using an appropriate level of diligence, and reaping the rewards of doing so.

Reference Anti-Gank

Did they man up and war-dec code, because if they didn’t its a waste of time.

Why would they waredec us? We are all -10 and that gives them the advantage that they can shoot us with NPC Facpo on their site whenever they want. I just recently had an ag corp in the systems I patrol which I then wardeced with my scout just for fun and they all dropped corp within a minute.

Yes. Though I do not protect space pixel rocks, not sure where you got that from. I just punish non-compliant miners. I’m the risk in their risk/reward calculation, in most cases the only risk they have left.

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Well do CODE loot scoop by a freighter when they can loot scoop through a DST using a noob ship to go criminal, they are not manning up are they? That is a waste of time using your logic, isn’t it?

So you are telling me that you would man up and war dec CODE to do exactly what, perhaps to man up, and please detail to me what value you would get by war decking them, to be able to say it is a waste of time otherwise…

List to me the Citadels and stuff held by CODE?

List to me the mission runners and freighter pilots who move stuff in CODE?

I think wise up needs to be the sentence that you need to think about, because your jibe only hurt yourself.

And who are AG, is it an alliance, a corp or what?

Are CODE the only gankers in game, no, there are many gankers and ganking is a strategy to blow up ships without war decking so do you need to war dec gankers to shoot them, no because our friendly CODE ganker has explained it

Why indeed?

Alt meaning not in CODE, meaningless chest beating…

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Regarding CODE and RP, my 2 ISK worth.

Is CODE in-game RP? No
Is CODE just playing the game as a game with no RP at all? No

CODE has created a meta-game RP that has fictional rules and personalities that don’t exist entirely in the in-game world, or in the OOC RL world. “In character” for CODE RP is not the same as it is for in-game RP, so “AFK” and “The CODE” are not OOC within the CODE RP.

So, is CODE RP? Yes, but it’s an RP of the meta-game, not the game.