CODE - can anyone can explain?

If by perfectly balanced you mean “tackling a ship without security status or standing loss and without aggression and subsequent concord intervention”, you are right.


Bumping by itself can’t kill anything. It’s just a minor annoyance. In other pvp it’s useful to get people away from things like gates or stations. It’s a skilled based part of the game. Balanced.


No it is not balanced at all, and I was asking for him to show me where bumping has been nerfed and he and you cannot.

Allowing hypdunking was a buff to ganking, butr that is not bumping, it was merely the ability to ship into a noob ship get killed then ship into dps and shoot again etc. Nothing to do with the act of bumping, please tell me when and how bumping was nerfed.

That is not the question, it is poor game balance and has never been nerfed in anyway.

And another poster explains why:

Nice post, yeah it sounds super balanced doesn’t it :frowning:


A warp disruptor cannot destroy anything either, yet it incurs consequences when you use it to tackle someone in high sec. Bumping works just like a warp disruptor but it incurs no consequences.

And a time limited bumping would still allow for this skill based PVP while removing tacking without consequences in high sec.


I said clever using of the sandbox, i. e. suicide ganking, was nerfed several times - maybe you didn’t get that.

So no, there was no nerf to bumping, that is the only thing you are right about.


Sorry but your tears are pointless as CCP has already booted salt-jockeys like you to the curb…

Just because you don’t like bumping doesn’t make it unbalanced, ganking or illegal in any way. Nor does it need to be actively nerfed or balanced. Deal with it…

f’king space snowflakes…you are the worst.


A warp disruptor actually shuts down the pilot’s option to use his warp drive. You can still use your warp drive while being bumped. You just now need to have an understanding of vectors if you want to warp away.


Suicide ganking was never nerfed. Not a single time. Every “nerf” was in fact a buff.

Well my issue is not with ganking, my issue is with bumping. Your comments about nerfs and buffs to ganking are irrelevant to me as I am only criticizing bumping as such.

Let me repeat what you said.

I understood that you were referring to bumping which is the only thing I currently criticise in terms of ganking at this point in time. Bumping has never been nerfed period. So get the issue right mate!

The bumping shuts down the ability of a pilot to warp, which is the same as being tackled by an actual warp disruptor.


But it doesn’t. You can still warp. Just in certain directions


Tackling is an illegal act…bumping is not. Equating the two is moronic…

Bumping has a counter, just as a scrambler has a counter. Don’t want to be warp scrammed? Use stabs. Don’t want to be bumped for hours? Use a Higgs rigs and a web alt…

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Here you go…again…

"This passage contains common tactics and other player conduct that is often mistakenly reported as exploits but are in fact not."

*** Ship Bumping ----------- Ram the ship of another player with your own in order to prevent them from warping.**

The word from god…not an exploit, not illegal not anything other than annoying…


Calling it not tackling is a gross misrepresentation of the reality. But as we all know, CODE is very good at that.

@QuakeGod Rigs in Freighters? :thinking: And a webber is easily countered by a suicide tackle frigate, which then passes on the tackling to the non-concordable tackling Machariel.

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Bring more friends then…

And yet again you cry like a little B about CODE yet more than just CODE uses this tactic…more biased tears…

Keep digging that hole deeper…


What about the bumper bumper that bumps the freighter into warp instead of out of it? If freighter pilots just played the numbers game they would be fine. An alternative numbers game is just paying the ransom. I promise that all bumping stops immediately after paying any ransom.


Then you should also know that Dracvlad is some serious crackpot and what he writes has hardly anything to do with reality.

If you want to know more about the actual origin and philosophy of the New Order and CODE. you should read James 315’s manifests.

It is pretty easy to figure out that this is all way before the changes happened that Dracvlad thinks are the cause. He knows this, but certain people just don’t run on logic and reason.

Sorry, not sure why the forum archive is no longer available.


Just like your promises to web people in warp with Facebookina or Amadeo GianninI? :smile: