So nasty again, I would hate to be as angry and bitter as you are. That was sad Ima, very sad and exactly what I have come to expect from you.
Again. If you don’t want to be called out for your stupid ■■■■ then don’t post or do stupid ■■■■. Pretty simple.
Turning around and blaming me for shining the light on it will not really help you.
@Duct_Work aka @Grand_Design when challenged on his bs in another thread threatened violence and posted pictures of his gun. Obviously he thought being an officer or whatever gives him the right to shutup people on an internet forum with threats.
He later removed the picture and the posts. That does not mean it did not happen. And it also does not mean we have to shut-up about it just because he sold the character. Read his posts here, he is as toxic and vile as ever.
Calm down gankbear, it is not good for you!
You’re such a liar. Filing a ticket against your baseless accusations.
Not sure what you mean, you seem to be talking about the wreck EHP buff, not the freighter EHP buff, but anyway… I don’t know the context and circumstances under which it happened or whether CCP made the changes to nerf anti-ganking or because of more general gameplay considerations. It could very well be that you’re right here, I just don’t know.
That Ima plays villain is irrelevant, indeed. That he emphasised he does that IN game isn’t, but may still be ignored for the purposes of the current discussion.
Now, Ima DOES definitely play by the rules, what he said about that is correct, and I’ve seen enough complaints about clueless players that don’t understand game mechanics claiming gankers break the rules, to not take any of them seriously unless I see proof of such claims…
That’s what @Ima_Wreckyou said and I quoted in my post, not what I said myself. You must have done some editing that messed the quoting and looks like it’s me who said that. I would appreciate if you edit your post to fix that.

Ima is one of the most obnoxious poster in these forums, and bitter to boot. You do know that they are cultivating you. In any case I have seen them be truly obnoxious to people, reading minerbumping in itself is enough to see that. Though I do find the humour in it.
Ima is neither obnoxious nor bitter, at least he’s not been all the time I’ve been reading her posts. I see how you and others may feel that way because of your bias and antagonism, but your perception (from what I’ve seen so far, at least) is wrong.
As to the way they behave towards me, it has a lot to do with the way I behave towards them… in general… I’ve met some dishonest and contemptible gankers that deserve no respect from me…
And I do like minerbumping…

So are you telling me that the bumping mechanic with a no consequence point that can hold them in position for hours is fine which is in fact the only thing I have an issue with at this point.
No, that’s a game mechanic I don’t have a clear and informed opinion about. It could very well it’s broken as you say, or it may be fine the way it is, as they say. I don’t know. I’ve seen Salvos ruin threads discussing the issue, though…

I could start listing all the exploits used by gankers that I have seen
By all means, do it…

blapping wrecks
From what I read, that was pushed forward by nullsec entities, not highsec ones.

Ima is one of the most obnoxious poster in these forums, and bitter to boot.
You, Salvos, and any other of the grr content community seem far worse to be honest…
At least Ima is defending something she actively does…
You guys’ ad hominem attacks because Ima has another point of view pretty much only proves you’re here to silence people on here simply because you’re incompetent in the game
Inb4 I’m put on that alt list for having an opinion

Not sure what you mean, you seem to be talking about the wreck EHP buff, not the freighter EHP buff, but anyway… I don’t know the context and circumstances under which it happened or whether CCP made the changes to nerf anti-ganking or because of more general gameplay considerations. It could very well be that you’re right here, I just don’t know.
I meant the freighter wreck EHP buff (corrected) which then ended up with a freighter EHP buff to counter the lost gameplay. That is an example where the gankers got the game changed very quickly to their advantage. Speak to @Sarah_Flynt who is also very aware of this event.

That Ima plays villain is irrelevant, indeed. That he emphasised he does that IN game isn’t, but may still be ignored for the purposes of the current discussion.
Now, Ima DOES definitely play by the rules, what he said about that is correct, and I’ve seen enough complaints about clueless players that don’t understand game mechanics claiming gankers break the rules, to not take any of them seriously unless I see proof of such claims…
It is irrelevant, as I said… Ima may well do that, I have not actually observed Ima in action, but I have observed a lot of gankers and I have seen multiple incidents of exploits used. The one where they warp and suicide point a freighter within the one second tick is one for example. Sarah Flynt is also aware of this exploit.
I will correct that, not sure why it did that as I thought I took it from his post. Actually I took it from yours, sorry now done.

Ima is neither obnoxious nor bitter, at least he’s not been all the time I’ve been reading her posts. I see how you and others may feel that way because of your bias and antagonism, but your perception (from what I’ve seen so far, at least) is wrong.
My attitude towards Ima is directly due to his bait posting against me over many years and you can see it here against others if you want to look. See the whiteknight thing, for some strange reason they think it annoys me so they try to bait with it.

No, that’s a game mechanic I don’t have a clear and informed opinion about. It could very well it’s broken as you say, or it may be fine the way it is, as they say. I don’t know. I’ve seen Salvos ruin threads discussing the issue, though…
I think it would be better game play all round to have the action without the bumping with active ganking fleets on the prowl. Not this bump someone until we get enough gankers ready. It also enables the freighter player to use the gate for his own protection and is at least a counter of sorts with faction police, which then makes the security status mean something. Look at it please.

Inb4 I’m put on that alt list for having an opinion
You already are But for being a CODE shrill…
However in my post above I detail one exploit.
I’m a high-pitched sound or cry?
What’s with you guys adding new definitions to words?

Did you notice that his claims are always completely vague and heresay?
Let me know how your rule violations go… if you can.

Wow, how pointless to write the same thing you already wrote again and completely ignore the rest of my post.
You haven’t answered to it first time so yeah, it worth to be repeated.
And i did ignore the part where you tried to move goal post away.
Yeah, that’s why i ignored this part and instead pointed to distraction attempt.
I’ll just put this out there, but if you want people to join your side of a war, don’t go out of your way to call them names…
With all the anti-ganking threads on here, all I see is a bunch of anti-content players that go out of their way to make people want to join or support the gankers lol.
The good side always wins, and the losers always cry about it
We’ve seen Ima’s posts for ages.
Its not hard to figure out what Imas agenda is, and is perpetually recurring.
I wouldnt be suprised if everytime Ima logs into boards, uses the search function to look for “Code” and “suicide ganking”.
Dosent post on much else except like-farming on LGAL.
Dom? Is that you?
I’m whoever you want me to be
But I know who I am (that’s all that matters)

I’m whoever you want me to be
But I know who I am (that’s all that matters)
Yeah, its Dom.
When you really get down to it; all people in CODE are HS carebears. They’d ■■■■ their pants in Null.
If you say so lol
Doesn’t bother me much to be called whoever you called me.
Wasn’t I Ima just a few days ago?

Its not hard to figure out what Imas agenda is, and is perpetually recurring.
My ONLY agenda is that I want to keep playing the game as it is because I think it is fun.
You and Drac don’t even have something to do with ganking or are impacted by it or whatever, yet you constantly push for changes to it or to mechanics around it. Why would you do that if you don’t even play where this stuff happens if not to ruin someone elses fun or out of some strange desire to “do away with the criminals” because you think there is something wrong with this kind of gameplay?
So the question is what is your agenda? Mine is pretty clear as I play as a ganker and all this impacts parts of the game I like.