CODE. hotline?

The Silent Coalition killboard is pretty amusing.

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and I am 30 some jumps away in Low, but you do you
my 80B+ mining empire is still growing, thanks for giving me the incentive to work on that

Yah, it’s really growing. You must be so proud.

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let us see … 1 sociopath who gets their jollies bullying people in an online game vs someone who is helping over 200 corp mates … why yes, I am proud :slight_smile:

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So you moved into LS and are helping other miners avoid the perils of mining James’s ore in HS. The code wins again! This is the stated goal of NE’s savoir.

Thank-you James…Thank-you for saving 200+1 miners…

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As usual you completely missed the point and the facts.

I put a lot of ISK into Audaerne to support High Sec mining. Selling ships and modulates at or below cost. Helping new players get a start with free ships. Supplying BPCs to people so they can produce on their own. Buying at Jita prices so people don’t have to risk hauling.

And at the same time when one of the leading sociopaths of code posted about people getting ganked in Audaerne, making the assumption that she thought I was protecting them, when I was in Low Sec. I am still mining in High Sec and I have not had one gank attempt since I blew one of their pilots out of her ship over 2 months ago.


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As usual you completely missed the point and the facts.

If you are acting in a way to counter CODE then CODE won. Period.

James always wins. He changed your behavior whether you want to acknowledge that or not. You are also passing that all onto “your” miners which is also a win.

James be praised.


you really are a creepy little child

you can tell us if any of them touch you in your no no places and they won’t be able to hurt you anymore

It’s strange how you call people names (sociopaths, creepy little child) and now are going now are going down the sexual abuse path. And by strange I mean disturbing.

But ya, you’re the good guy right?


I believe you said 80 billion isk? So let me be clear, first, Silent Coalition’s failed efforts do not reflect organic natural failure, but this is actually their performance WITH funding - in other words, they are doing better than they would normally? Furthermore, after we’ve done 80 billion isk in damage to Silent Coalition (destroying a couple hundred Mackinaws), then we’ve basically erased your great contribution from the game? Man, from now on, everytime I loot a Silent Coalition mining wreck, I’m going to quietly thank Solomon for his generous contribution! Keep the isk coming! Woo!


Perhaps we should take a less confrontational approach here. James 315 would welcome any support from the Silent Coalition or personally from Solomon Iskander. A purchase of shares in the New Order, for example. Or, perhaps the Silent Coalition could be a part of building a better highsec by providing all of their miners with 10 mil isk mining permits? I am certain that mining permits would add up to much less than 80 billion isk. It would be a bargain for Silent Co. and a win for all of highsec.


you know what GF means :wink:

Goonswarm Federation?


Oh for frak’s sake, can everyone stop ragging on CODE. for the umpteenth time?! Yes, they can be annoying, but I for one am starting to get more annoyed by how every thread involving them keeps degenerating into the same damn argument over and over and OVER AGAIN!


I’ve seen players like this at the Skeleton Comet in Deltole, using their Gilas and Ishtars to slaughter the infinite waves of Serpentis COSMOS rats that spawn there. The thing is, when I started talking to them in local they actually responded, so I’m not sure if they’re bots or just one or more players who have the patience to rat a site 23/7.

After seeing that, I think I finally understood what CODE. means when they talk about “bot-aspirants”.

This player clearly has no respect for the game’s history. The Exequror was the Gallente mining cruiser, not the Vexor! [/silly]

Okay, serious question here, Karak; why does this surprise you at all? CODE. is basically the ganking alliance of New Eden, plus a reputation for roleplaying as a bunch of self-righteous extortionists; while that’s all fair gameplay, it’s also inevitably going to tick people off. And when an individual or group ticks off enough people, it’s only natural that those people will crow about any victory they get, real or perceived.

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Closed at OP’s polite request.