Colorful Map

Hi, friends :wave::hugs:

A couple of players would like to know what setting to go to in order to get this colorful map.

Is it possible to get something like that in game?

Thank you fellow capsuleers

That’s not an ingame map.

Whoever maintains makes those maps.

On their website there’s more info, apparently there was a community spotlight explaining more of it.

Verite Rendition makes the maps.

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@Gerard_Amatin Is it interactive ( zoom, system names… ) and is it regularly updated?

The name says ‘daily sov maps’ which makes me think it’s updated daily and fully automated.

In my experience the coalitions are not automated and someone has to define by hand which group forms a coalition with whom. This process can sometimes take long (and be outdated for months) after coalitions fall apart and new groups form.


Thanks, Gerard :smiling_face: Keep on being awesome :+1:


There is which may come close to what you are looking for.

It doesn’t quite work universe-wide, but you can get a good regional display of what systems are currently held by what alliance, if you set “LABEL” and “SECTOR” to IHUB Sovereignty Alliance:

There is lots more functionality for jump ranges, wormhole connections, kills, etc. but you need to invest some time to get a good grasp of that.

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@Nora_Maldoran Thanks a lot, Nora! :smiling_face: