Combat anomaly sentry

Hi guys, so I tried out combat anomaly yesterday. I was flying a sniping commorant with a range of 50km shield tank. But when I’ve warped 60km to the Refugee. The sentries just chewed my shield easily before I could hit them. And rats also eating my hull so fast. How do you deal with those sentries?

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Most Refuge Anomaly sites are basically a level 3/10 site which, in my opinion should be run with a Cruiser. Some of the Refuge Anomaly sites could even be classified as 4/10.

As for the Sentry’s, I always take them out first. I believe you’d be in a better position to do that by warping in at 0 km’s to quickly orbit them at top speed. I forget what their range is, probably about 100 to 150 km’s, maybe even more.

Course Destroyers aren’t really known for having a defensive tank. They can do pretty good in the 1/10 and 2/10 sites since they can quickly kill the NPC Frigates.

Personally I think a Destroyer is hard pressed to do any of the larger anomaly sites.

Would help to know which site and how your ship is fit…


Hi, thanks for the reply.
Here is my fit
[Cormorant,Sniper 100km]
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

F-90 Compact Sensor Booster
F-90 Compact Sensor Booster
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

150mm Railgun I
150mm Railgun I
150mm Railgun I
150mm Railgun I
150mm Railgun I
150mm Railgun I
150mm Railgun I

Small Hybrid Locus Coordinator I
Small Hybrid Locus Coordinator I
Small Ancillary Current Router I

I think I did a Guritas Refugee site

Yeah, that’s definitely a ‘Glass Cannon’, I think it’s more suited for Fleet Ops than solo PVE.

Main thing I see is there’s no Defensive tank on it, plus there’s a big EM hole in your shield resists. Course Guristas mainly shoot Kinetic (79%) and Thermal (18%). However, the Sentry’s could be shooting EM damage which might explain why your shields melt so fast.

Personally I’d do a complete refit and make the ship a short range brawler. Course I mainly pilot Minmatar ships and my character is maxed out on most skills but I messed around in PYFA and came up with this fit:

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Thank you, I’ll try out this fit tonight o7

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Well, you’ll probably have different stats and maybe some fitting issues. Make sure to first do a ghost fit in-game with the fitting screen option ‘simulate fit’.

Also can use T1 mods if there’s an issue with using T2. I usually fit up my Defensive Tank first, then do prop followed by tracking / damage increase mods, then weapons. I usually fit rigs last in case any fitting issues are encountered, such as Capacitor or Power Grid shortage. If no issues, then I use rigs to help buff ship stats in resists and damage output.

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