Combat sites= Negative isk?

ratting in VNI in null can net 60M/h, 80M/h if you drop mtu and come salvage in a noctis then loot in a T1 indus every 4 havens. However this scales very well if you don’t salvage, basically you need 2 min activity (recall drones, warp + mtu+ orbit +launch drones) for 20+ minutes AFK so up to 10 accounts it scales pretty well - however you will run out of anoms

ratting in a rattle nets a bit more than 90M but not much, without salvaging, and does not scale.

I don’t know for carriers and supers.

Salvaging after a carrier kills can net you 90M/h

Exploration in NS with low skills can net you 100M/h (you need to use your brain though)

I think(don’t take my word on this) that ded10 in NS can net around 400-600M/h (if you have consistent people selling you the deds)

incursions, I need to test this out.


Well. Its highsec. Missionrunning is worse.

That are anomalies…

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Use lasers with t1 crystals, infinite ammo then.

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I’d like to suggest another activity that is both more engaging and will land you some player interaction. There are some systems where some old school ruskies teach their new beans how to jet can mine. You can net an easy 10-15 mil an hour hauling their ore to a station or citadel of your choice!!

Bonus: doing this a few times will get their attention and they will try to interact with you. Violently usually!! This is your chance to shine. Take out a cheap frigate and interact right on back blapping their interaction battleships. Loot the wreck and salvage for maximum interaction.


Actually you are wrong.

Hidden hideaways have a chance to escalate to a DED 4

Forlorns probably do also although why would you? This site is packed with difficulty and few do them.

Eve University is a guide not absolute fact, treating it as so will just make you miss things in EvE.

I will leave that for others actually, I am more busy doing low sec exploration more than high sec escalation fishing.

Unfortunately again I have to say “why”?
Lowsec has the same (mostly) exploration rewards and sites as hisec. The only thing worth usually doing in Lowsec is either sansha space relic sites for the intact armor plates or the gas sites that only spawn there (not for the gas of course).

I have for years tried to figure out this formula of Hisec and Lowsec having the same content and I came only too one conclusion. CCP don’t give a ■■■■.

Because it pays more for me than high sec. And the thrill, I like it.

DED 5/10 and 6/10, and drone unrated Rogue Trial Yard, Dirty Site and Ruins are only found in low sec and are quite profitable. Way more than high sec sites. To give an example: a Sansha 5/10 can be run in 15 minutes, it drops 50m (OPE + bounties) minimum and has a chance to drop ABC-type cruiser mods, which can be worth anything from 0 to 500m.

You can get a Ded 5/10 escalation from any Den site in hisec and those sites can randomly also sometimes be spawned in hisec.

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I’ve never seen them in high sec (not that I scan there a lot) but I regularly scan them in low sec.

No not a scan thing in Hisec they are an anomaly that has a low chance like 1/14 to give you a 5/10 escalation. With a further chance of it being in Hisec.

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No it doesn’t. Lowsec has a bunch of stuff that highsec doesn’t. DED 5/10s and 6/10s are just two example, with 6/10s occasionally dropping modules worth a billion or more, and not infrequently either.

I learned early on, Amarr have the best ships for PvE. T1 ammo means you only have to carry a couple stacks of crystals (for varying range) and the rest of the hold is free for loot.

I have got 2 of them in about a year or so. Normaly you get more as escalations. Dens can escalate to 5/10.

10/10 are better. They are in nullsec only, though. But people sell them. Serp 10/10 are pretty easy. Blood Raiders not so much. I prefer to rat in a carrier anyways this days.

I learned early on, Amarr have the best ships for PvE. T1 ammo means you only have to carry a couple stacks of crystals (for varying range) and the rest of the hold is free for loot.

Gurista, Sansha and Mordus are better.


You did what appears to be a low end site in a low end ship as a new or still “newish” player. Unfortunately, this is true and a very bad design flaw. These sites are profitable, but when you have good skills and a good ship.

For example take a T2 fit Worm with faction damage mods and level 4-5 skills, or a T2 fit Algos, or if you need EM damage one of the T2 Amarr frigs or Succubus, and you not only do not use ammo (or at least only a fraction of what you use otehrwise) but also take hardly any damage at all. Just speed tank everything. In addition, as stated above, active rep fits help.

This is a leftover from the past. CCP adjusted the lvl 2 and lvl 3 security mission rewards to at least cover all ammo costs etc. a couple years ago because new players werent able to get enough ISK to continue or move forward, but they did not adjust their DED site equivalents. So the only way to really make ISK of off these is via escalations, but, even these escalations are too rare and RNG and often not worth it so its better to just skip them and go to do something more profitable.

If you are a PvE combat pilot, you are way better just doing lvl 2 and lvl 3 missions. Not only is the income more steady and allows you to make enough ISK for at least a steady steady supply of frigates to lose in PvP, but you also gain faction standings at the same time and the accumulated LP eventually will add up and let you get yourself something nice either to use or for sale.

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Lol no

You’re clearly not scanning enough. When I lived in low sec I found several a week, sometimes two or three in the same system. Endlessly farming dens in the hope of an escalation sounds like an extremely boring activity when you could be scanning your region for combat sites while shooting all those explorers in relic sites.

As for 10/10, I’ve only tried serpentis and found them quite disappointing compared to the sansha 5/10. They take longer to clear and the rewards are typically worth less than the cruiser mods from a 5/10.

Anyways, the point I was trying to make was that low sec DOES NOT have mostly the same exploration content as high sec. There is overlap, but the low sec specific sites are quite common and can be quite valuable. (And very quick to run if you know the triggers.)

… which can be done AFK in brick tanked (vs gankers) Ishtar. Just warp in the site, launch/agro drones and wait. No ammo costs, almost no time at the keyboard. It is like mining.