I don’t how different from 8 years ago but I have fun when I log in.
Don’t quote me on this but I think that by now we’re at tripleboxing, not sure.
Vanguard seems to be fun, once they add a bunch of stuff and iton out all the kinks.
They’ve introduced Havoc… no description necessary.
There are more ships. Mechanics changes…
Hypernet… Good luck.
New UI, you can have two Overviews. Read the patch notes.
The definition is “Widespread Destruction”.
And I’m not being obtuse.
Learn a bit more of a skill that just finished maybe.
Open my notes. Take a look at some systems I have bookmarked as interesting.
Check my mail.
Check my market orders.
Take a look at the Air Program and see if I can advance in some sections of it, depending on what I’ve logged in for.
Sometimes I want to go bookmark spots in asteroid belts for later mining.
Sometimes I want to do a couple of missions, increase my standing with a corporation.
I spend some time on the market, try to outsell, buy low, sell high…
Sometimes I build a few things, ammo, modules…
Few different things.
I have a few good ships. When my skills get a bit decent I’ll go to Lowsec and waste it on a failed attack, learn a few things, rince and repeat.
Multi-boxing is still a thing. $20/m isn’t worth it for many for even one account. Wait for sales, multi-month discounts, or bundles that also include other things you want. CCP has more packages at more price points these days, so check the store page.
New stuff to do: Abyssal deadspace, some FW changes, the new Pirate insurgencies, Pochven. Air Opportunities (daily tasks). Filament diving. Mining ships have seen some upgrades. Trading and manufacture have gotten more complicated.
Null is as safe as the local nullcorp can make it. Which means choose your corp and area with care.
Low-risk / decent ISK: Work your way up the Abyssal tiers til you find your comfort point. Learn to huff gas in WHs with Ventures. Some types of relic/data hacking if you’re patient and careful. Try some of the new FW stuff/Pirate insurgency stuff. Look for an Incursion group you can fit in. Group up or multibox for some of the Homefront Operations sites.