They have already gone down this road. Invasions/incursions hit your home system and it’s like - “how long is this going to last?” “Time to find something else to do”.
Do you really hate your players that much? People been kicked out of places that have been home for years in highsec and now this. New ships, nice. Industry breaking stuff, not nice. Being camped in highsec by trigs, not nice. If we want that kind of content we can go to nulsec. Been there, done that.
Ohh yeah, I finaly have a reason to update Pyfa again.
Lest abuse the storm out of this.
Can we get a storm with:
No Local / No Dscanner?
Delayed Local / Delayed Dcanner
Then we should have one where all bookmarks are disabled, too.
I actually like this one.
You know what is most fail about this.
In the areas they are putting this farming is already an issue and not one of the effects slow farming, it does however affect those who hunt farmers.
Worst dev team ever.
EVERY single time any changes are made to this game, a bunch of people start bitching. Wah, wah, wah… It sure gets tiresome…play it or quit…
I love every little bit the Triglavian’s are doing. And I’m not the only one. I’m hoping they take over most of high sec…
Can you please leave nullsecs alone? Thanks.
Hi folks!
A number of players have raised concerns about the proposed increase in warp disruption and scramble range in the Gamma Ray Storm. The intent behind this effect was to combine with the reduction in remote rep effectiveness to create bloodier fights by causing more players in group pvp engagements to be caught when disengaging. However some of you have raised solid points about the way this effect would reduce counterplay to scramblers and disruptors too much and may cause enough frustration to outweigh the benefits.
After some consideration we agree and we are adjusting the proposal for the Gamma Ray Storm.
The disruptor/scrambler range bonus has been replaced by a bonus to capacitor capacity.
Thanks to everyone who has passed along constructive feedback so far via this thread, by talking to the CSM, and through social media. We’ll keep reading your feedback and making more adjustments as necessary.
Check out the first two posts of the thread for the most updated version of the proposal as well as some answers to frequently asked questions.
So, @CCP_Fozzie: instead of making points more effective, those storms make neuts/nos less effective? How is that going to create bloodier fights? ‘Neut them’ isn’t the counter to getting pointed. The counter someone pointing you is ‘KILL THEM’.
And really, this whole ‘moving 1 gate every 1-2 days’? As someone who just went through a hurricane and had to suffer a week of effects for ‘it was here for 2 hours because damn, that thing was cooking’, that’s not fun. A week or two for this thing to move through your stager? Or have it move around your stager for a lot longer?
Yeah, thanks, that’s kinda ■■■■■■■■, isn’t it?
I mean, let’s look at the following scenario:
A Gamma Ray Storm spawns comes into Delve through Y-2/ZXB. It impacts 1DQ1-A, Imperium Staging, as soon as it gets to JP4-AA.
Now, purely for the sake of our hypothetical, let’s look at the worst-case scenario. It moves once every 48h.
JP4-AA -> D-W7 -> T5ZI -> 1DQ -> 8WA ->5BTK -> Y-O1 -> 5BTK -> 8WA -> MO- -> 1DQ2 -> N-8Y -> 3-DM ->E-VK -> 8-YNBE.
So, from the moment the central core system shifts to JP4-AA, until the moment it enters 8-YNBE, central staging/market for a major coalition in the middle of a war suddenly has at least a 50% reduction to remote reps… for 30 days. With the minimum number of times hitting each system.
1. Dead end, so it turns around.
2. and this assumes that it doesn’t turn around and go RIGHT BACK INTO 8WA, because it’ll remember having been there 2 gates ago. Will it? Did you think of that, or is it just storing the last jump?
And hey, 1dq isn’t even a particularly bad place for it all. You know what is?
So when it hits 4N-BUI, what’re the odds it leaves the pentagram? When it comes out into WUZ, then moves into 43B and up into that dead end… how good are the odds that on the way out, it won’t turn right back into the pentagram and bounce off of those 4-gate systems for a few months?
How long until we mysteriously have the Great Ore Spot of Oasa, as an Exotic Matter Storm gets caught in the 04-LOF constellation, @CCP_Fozzie?
Hopefully the random walk of the storms is ‘modified enough’ not to get stuck in those.
The storms will move using a slightly modified random walk algorithm that will attempt to avoid doubling back on itself unless it has no other valid options.
I can see knots of systems like that become black holes containing multiple storms if the random walk only has a memory of 1 or 2 previous systems.
So you’re suggesting they need to decrease the chances it will go back to a system it’s already been centered on? Make sure it takes a more novel path in most cases and all to keep it moving into new areas?
I’m suggesting that ‘moving like a hurricane’ while being 7 systems wide (2 weak, 3 strong, then 2 weak) is maybe not the best model, considering hurricanes only follow regular tracks most of the time, and have a whole global weather system influencing their paths, rather than ‘there’s only 2 doors out of this room’.
I mean, sure, that ‘room’ is dozens of au across, but if you take any coastal city and tell them ‘ok, so, we’re gonna give you tropical storm conditions or higher for a month… maybe more… non-stop’… they’re not gonna hold up well. I’d like more information on the pathing, and more of a sense that @CCP_Fozzie’s team have considered the impact a transit speed that slow will have on people trying to live or fight sustained campaigns in that space.
Well, a 7 wide spread does SOUND kinda hurricane shaped/sized, but the path is indeed an interesting thing to see at work on TQ. I think someone further upthread said (mighta been you) that it should be light years based instead of system based.
I’m sure they’ll tweak it. Will that be before or after it’s out… and if after… how long after. That’s always the ?.
What do you think of the idea that the storm would be an actual sphere traveling through dead space between systems? It could have ranges in au, like capital jump ranges, and the center spot would move in space with a fixed or changing speed, not system by system. It could have multiple ranges, one for weak and one for the strong effects as well. The storm itself could have an intensity which could change these ranges. This way the storm could actually have effect on a minimal number of, a lot of or even no system at all depending on the intensity and the position of the storm. It could get more intens if less systems are effected and backwards, less intens if more systems affected. This way if it travels thorugh empty space it would get bigger in size, but if it hits an area it shrinks in time so even if it gets stuck in a place for some reason it would become less of a problem. It could even vanish altogether if the intensity would drop below a certain number. This way the mechanism would completely negate the looping of the storm forever with some decent pathchosing ignoring the connections between systems altogether as well as with despawning after some time. But then there have to be a way that these bad boys would actually spawn again as well.
Well, that would definitely simulate the ‘landfall’ effect on hurricanes, where they lose strength once they’re over land, sure. You’d have to be very careful with that movement model, though. Because the map is three dimensional, the storm would need to move in three dimensions… and then you need a way to keep it from just wandering up or down out of range, forever, or just straight off the edge of the map… or straight into highsec.
That said, a storm seeming to disappear, only to turn up again, much more intense, when it makes ‘regionfall’ again on the other side of a long regional gate like the Tenal/Cobalt Edge gap… that’d be kinda awesome, wouldn’t it?
This mechanic makes a lot more sense (in terms of gameplay and also lore) than having the dumb things follow stargates.