Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

And that’s how we get back to

I’m not just interested in the health of my part of the game, or the things I do. The less there is going on, the less there is for all of us to interact with.


OK… I am a long term (2008) CARE BEAR and a ship collector with three Omega Characters. I play once a week when the real world allows.
I would like to move on into low sec and eventually to null sec… However CCP staff seem to feel that they have to keep adding “Game Changing” ideas in some sort of frenzied competition… Perhaps I am not smart enough to keep pace considering I cannot play 12 to 14 hours EVERY day.


Regards, Oppih Nogard et. al.


If you were looking at joining one of the many null corps, playing just once a week, wouldn’t get you in with them. Too many of them, from my own experience and from reading about others, really care about PAPs, and if they say they don’t, they’ll drop you in a heartbeat for not joining in anything…

Nothing about these storms should be keeping you out of Null, or lowsec…especially being a 2008 character, you should have sufficient skills to survive either place.

Once a week shouldn’t be a problem, once recruitment opens up again. Karmafleet, IIRC, requires people participate in 3 strategic fleets over a 3-month window.

That’s not exactly a lot.

That also depends how many steps ahead it looks and what it considers “doubling back”. CCP hasn’t released exactly what logic is used here, probably to make them a little harder to predict, but it wouldn’t be too hard to have the thing look 10 steps ahead and pick a path that minimizes doubling back over that path, or uses some other logic to prevent what you’re referring to.

On the other hand once a Storm is in Delve it also doesn’t mean that it’s affecting the whole thing at once. Delve is, to put it mildly, fairly big, and even though one of these storms sprawls a fair bit it’s unlikely to completely shut things down. People will mostly move around it, and if it hits a major ratting system people will either adapt or move until it’s gone.

Adapt or die.

It’s August…are they here yet?

You should know weather forecasting is an inexact science…

A alliance skill to control storms! :laughing:

Can I ask when “bloodier fights” became the logic that was used as the driving motivator for almost any change or scenario? What data do you have that bloodier fights is better for the game? Do people really want to be dying more often? I think people want more meaningful and fun fights not necessarily fights that are much shorter and result in more and quicker deaths.

For example one huge part of the game that is now gone due to resist nerfs and other changes is WH armor brawls with 40-50 man fights. These fights used to go on for 20-30 minutes at a time and were extremely fun. Most of these bling fits aren’t even viable anymore and these fights are definitely not taking place.


I am assuming they just wrote some simple tree traversal code that does one of the following two things every day.

  1. Randomly picks a gate it hasn’t taken yet(maybe in last 60 days?) out of a group of available gates it can jump.
  2. If no new gates are available, it randomly picks a gate from one of the available of where it already came.

If it just does those things it will be traversing the tree that is the eve galaxy and not staying in the same place for long.

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Meaningful fights requires loss to matter. For loss to matter destruction has to be large enough compared to creation. This requires bloodied fights basically where both sides will take losses, not lossless on one side.

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Those would be very sensible design parameters.

Ergo, they cannot have been ones CCP used.


The problem with that logic is I think that it isn’t always true. If what you said was true we could lower EHP way down to the point people are getting alpha killed by 1 ship and have the most meaningful and fun fights ever. If you don’t agree that the above statement would create more meaningful fights it means the initial logic it is based off is wrong, bloodier fights aren’t always more meaningful and fun. This is an easy philosophical way to test theories on things by bringing them to the logical extreme and see if they still stand up. There is a balance to be struck here, and I am not sure that CCP sees that as clearly as others do.

It seems like a better theory behind what you are saying is “fights are more meaningful if there is more risk involved or someone is dying”, not that more loss is always better. That was my initial concern was that their logic they are using is just wrong, when you attack the issue from the other point of view you come up with different solutions.


Thus, my earlier response. :wink:

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One of you trolls are sadistic CCP designers laughing their ass off even CCP will lose players due to these changes. Also I do not see this is feature that will keep new players longer in the game.

All in all this is bad for EVE due to it will change gameplay mechanism making stuff more complex. It will mostly involve long age characters or mid age characters due to the fact its null sec.

So what I am guessing is that since you can play the game now free as alpha. You will see what mess nullsec is you don’t want to go that road. Also high sec is coming more difficult to live as new player. I just talked with rather new player thats FW station under triglavian invasion. It caused difficult problems for him due to FW rules, triglavian invasion and so forth. Not saying triglavian invasions are completely bad just that since they affect many systems some things the invasions cause are not completely forseeable. Same goes to these storms that affect base mechanics in null.

These storms should have started small. Instead of introducing dozens of effects should have gone in slow and just test the whole idea out. And I feel its sad because CCP seems to be already fully committed to this and to slowly kill EVE. Designers should think more about features affecting whole community not just null players. Also keeping it mind that null is already difficult place to live once you introduce another mechanic that makes it more complex you make it again difficultier place to live.

Anyhow guess its going too good for CCP due to corona so they have to hit some brakes to let go off some people.

News from test-server:

Cake is a lie!
Storms have zero effects

Now let’s go serious :partying_face:
Weak part of storm occupy more space than I expected. I suggest to change weak part spread from 3 jumps to 2.5 :grinning:
Make it 50% chance for weak storm to affect system 3 jumps away from epicenter

  1. Adds more chaos
  2. Reduces usual number of affected systems from 4+9 to 4+6,5

Also I still worried about lack of rewards

Seeing as how they just announced Trig ship nerfs/buffs coming August 25th, it’s likely any further August changes will be by then as well. Not much August left after that, after all!

I think the people expecting more ore distribution/mining changes since March are in a bit more fair space to complain of the “when is this happening?” feel…

WH isn’t getting this. It spreads through the gate network per the devblog. All storms start in NS but can spill over into LS and HS a bit. Didn’t mention anything about spilling into WHs.

Also, WHs already have their effects (aka permanent space weather).