Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

HighSec can deal with it. Hell, most of my alts sit in HighSec, either doing PVE or industry. Something interesting happening like Trig-invasions or those storms spilling over into HighSec are one of the few reasons (besides addiction) why I still log in.

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If the general forums are anything to go by, Highsec does not like anything messing with them. So yeah, no they will not like it.

Господа, вы серьёзно??? Что вы там приняли? какого хрена вы убираете бонус на дистанцию скребка и дизы, и ставите бонус на объём накопителя???. Вы что там какой штурвал делаете? Голландский, а может Исландский??? Вы режете единственный способ дать под сраку кайт формату. КАКОГО ХРЕНА.

@CCP_Fozzie after checking the storms on tranquility. Statement for the metaliminal storms for being null sec feature is false. Currently almost 50% of the affected systems are either high sec or low sec.

Also its really difficult to see the storm effects and affected space. In map you have to select “Metaliminal storms” filter. Its crucial that the storms are seen a) in route b) in map without extra filter. Since these effects also include cloak cancellation and other effects that actually have impact on your prefered travel route.

All in all the feature seems to be included in live server when it was not yet ready. Please either pull off the feature from live or implement the points A and B immediately. Also I am still baffled about the fact that you were implementing Null sec feature and its all over k-space.


“The central system of these storms will always remain in nullsec, but the effects can spill over into nearly lowsec and highsec systems as well.”

I do agree that these storms should show up in the route like invasions do.


Well at least it will be funny when all the highsec smuglords who were big fans of these changes and coming here to bleat about how nullsec residents ought to “adapt or die!” will get the full randomized-gameplay experience. Not so fun when it’s your snowglobe getting shook, is it?

Don’t bother arguing with this Choco dude, he’s just here to tell everyone else how bad they are at EVE.

Hey, I recognize that name: you used to fly an Arazu for IRC in Cobalt Edge, didn’t you?

Nullsec is also k-space you know. Besides, it is detailed in this post that they can spill into high and low but the core will always be in nullsec.

it was about theoretical storms outside of null

You - maybe, but i dont expect a good chunk of highsec players be happy about changes

As a cloaky explorer I need to find these storms and investigate.

How are the different storm types identified in game?

there will need to be a significant number of these storms wandering around Null to make an impact.

Looking forward to it!!

Shame the storms don’t cause a system-wide blackout of local as well. Now that would be ace!!

About electrical storms, again …

I’m still of the opinion that it is the wrong thing to do to deny the use of cloaks in electrical storms. It reminds me strongly of an attempt of dear OP @CCP_Fozzie to have SB’s proximity decloak each other while in a bloody fleet, which simply meant no more sb fleets, somewhere back in 2014-15. Fortunately there was enough outcry that that plan never came to realization, but the damage was done and about half my corpies had unsubbed, coz using cloaks was what we did…

Here’s an alternative: Instead of a permanent effect on cloaks make the electrical storm produce random decloaking pulses (and I do not mean every 2 seconds (!), but 3-5 times per hour to keep people on their toes, denying cloak use for a couple of minutes or longer depending on storm strength). You could create a Saint-Elmo’s-Fire visual effect on cloaked ships, indicating their cloaks aren’t working and making them visible on dscan/grid/probes for the duration of the pulse.

Here’s another alternative, which might actually help with any botting problem: no local chat during electrical storms.

And here’s a cheeky alternative: hampered directional scanning during electrical storms, perhaps graded in number of AU according to the storm’s strength.

Denying an entire ship/combat class, based on module use,to be deployed is plain wrong.


No, that only happens when you cross the beams. :laughing:

You are misremembering things. That was in fact the original mechanic for all cloaks before it got changed to what we have now with coverts and we managed to run bombers perfectly fine then too. It just took a bit more skill and preparation on the part of the individual pilots.

Nope, not “misremembering things”. Here’s the original 2014 devblog concerning : Phoebe devblog
For those of us not fortunate enough to have played since beta or subsequent beginning years of EvE we don’t know any better than mutual decloaking of bombers was not a thing, so thank you for that bit of information.

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Ah, like if this new feature is “popular” enough for Hilmar to want to spread it all around LS, HS, and WH space, you mean? Yeah… we’ll see. o_o

how exaclty would you spread to wh if they have no gate ?

-90% Remote Shield/Armor Rep Amount

What will become of Null Sec?

I would be happier if you guys improve the tidi problem. In the massive fights the tidi is way worst than before (the 10% looks like 1% to be honest)… even with smaller fights. I don’t know what you did about it, but you made it worst… plz fix it or at least put it like it was… bad but way better than now. After fixing what is wrong, you could put new things like this one that you want to implement.