Community Fittings: Where do they come from?

His reaction is mostly about people disregarding meta 0-3. Beyond that people care about it because we HAVE it, would EVE not have had meta 1-3 we wouldn’t be used to that concept and no one would care. Doing away with meta 1-3 is entirely fine.

I am sure the reply I made above covers an adequate response towards why doing away with less favourable modules is not at all fine as again that sort of thinking is learning towards MMO RPG style where modules become obsolete.

Even for the new Capsuleer coming into New Eden the option should always be there and the focus on Community Fittings reflects a macro level of fitting a ship.

But what do I know? I am a miner.

You can remove meta 1-3, leave meta 0,4 and 5+ and be completely fine. Would EVE have launched with exactly that you’d not have bothered and if someone would have gone “lets introduce meta 1-3 to add more silly granularity” you’d probably have voiced against it.

The community fittings are mostly silly because they’re all over the place in terms of newbie usability, fitting logic and play styles, many don’t even fit with newbie skills which renders them useless.

i use low metas for fitting issues some times
for example the top tier beam lasers have ridiculous fitting requirements
if you want them for some reason you have to “nerf” the rest of the ship

besides they already did some tiercides , they could do more in the future

I see there will be problems and I feel that all this hype that seems to be coming to the forums is only propaganda that the changes are coming to the skills and how they are placed selected what ever you want to call it.

Without ranting I want to point out that we are heading towards something I know a fair bit about when it comes to making items obsolete. Not at all boosting but someone needs to draw a line in the sand and push back against the propaganda of late. Take a step back and you will see the larger picture.

Have one meta module with lowest fitting stats and best performance of the metas, remove the rest. So you have basic T1, 1 named and then T2 and up. Works fine, again people tend to think about how things ARE and then apply that to changes to then state it’s all wrong instead of realising it’s the new right, also known as inertia.

We don’t NEED all those different meta modules with all those different stats, it’s needlessly detailed. This isn’t about “make EVE easy” which I’m very much against anyway, it’s more about “stop sticking to dumb design decisions just because that’s is how it always has been”.

You’re not as informed as you think you are.

Finder Agents tell me daily what I need to know.

What are even “finder agents”.

Also as long as you’re fitting multispec ECM to your Nereuses and use no prop mod Kiki’s with TD’s and another ECM I’m not going to be worried about your “knowledge”.

My knowledge is NOT about the actual fitting or what it does or why even fit it. I am stating that I know what happens when modules become obsolete.

Thanks for visiting my zkill by the way it excites me that you are now making things personal.

See we are still on the fact that HatelesS made some excellent fittings for the Community.
I already made it clear and I am not saying what works. I only use what info is here already.

  • Newbies messing up fits is completely fine.
  • Older players doing lol fits that counter meta is completely fine, IF it comes from an understanding of how things work.
  • Older players who STILL don’t understand the basics of fitting and combat (while they hang in low sec a lot doing pvp) is NOT fine, that’s clowning.

And if one manages to still be a clown after several years it’s safe to assume they’re clowns in other things too. It’s fine to be a clown, I’m a clown in many games, but then don’t out your opinion on things and don’t even pretend you know better than others.

Case in point, if you think Hateless makes good fits you have no idea.

Maybe he meant locator agents? :thinking: Not really paying attention to the actual discussion so could be a wrong assumption, just scrolling through.

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I know but the fact that he doesn’t even know their actual ingame name is the point :slight_smile:

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eve.fandom . com/wiki/Locator_agent
Similar: find, discover, pinpoint, detect, track down.

Though that was a off topic reply to a off topic replay.

The point also means that it doesn’t matter what module it is called as long as it fits into the correct slot and can be online when the ship undocks.

Sometimes to save space on the cargo you fit the modules you want to deliver by first fitting them to your ship.

I rest my case.

Yes HatelesS does or did deliver us some fine examples of what a New Capsuleer can use to fit their new ship and even potentially plex their account. (Just hope those vods stay online for future Capsuleers to discover them.)

I like the one where he is crying about @Adrian_Vexier Very entertaining.


We are discussing Community fittings, it wasn’t I who flagged your post as I accept what you type then I type a reply. I think that is how forums work?

Sometimes forum pvp takes a little effect more than what you are sending with your enter key. :rofl:

CCP should simply continue with their tiericide and finally change the meta weapons to also follow the modern meta scheme of ‘compact’, ‘scoped’, ‘enduring’ etc.

Then players could pick the meta modules that are best for their purpose, rather than always picking the highest meta tier ‘because the rest is worse’.