[Compilation] The Lore of the Triglavian Collective

There are many references in ship descriptions and other stuff Triglavian to some Tactical, Strategic or Technical or other type of Troika thing and I think that those are individuals, each having 3 personalities.

Sansha somehow invaded 3TTC i.e. a Damavik, which resulted in Narodnya part of it’s personality to get corrupted and Koschoi and Navka parts of it’s personality made decision to self destruct.

This one is unreleased so it’s hard to interpret. But looks to me it’s another example of inner dialogue between Narodnya, Navka and Koschoi of the same individual.

I think subclades are actually individuals each having a Troika in their head. Clades are Troika’s of higher order with subclades being it’s inner personalities. Then whole Triglavian race is an individual consisting of all 3 clades as inner personalities.

Thus Drifters are complete opposite of Triglavians, with every Drifter being a copy of the same mind and every Triglavian being a collective of minds.

And there are also Sansha and Rogue drones, and all of them are incompatible with each other. Cool stuff.