[COMPLETED] Extended Downtime Notification - 20220203

Heh based on some of the replies to this thread, in response to a whole entire thirty minutes of downtime… not sure anyone has matured much at all.

(Cue the “in my day, we had hour long downtimes everyday…”)

Seriously though we used to have actual downtimes.

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Wormholes I think.

I have zero problems with the game its plays, maintenance, or the GI. The biggest problem with the game and I wind up taking larger and larger breaks is that loot and bounties have been nerfed to nothing. PI, industry, and mining get great tweaks all the time, but, the grind is real and you have to fly many accounts to make any profit. I just want to use one or two accounts at a time anymore. Not 10 just to make a profit and ratting takes a lot more attention for no reward. Bring back better loot drops and rewards. Mining all the time sucks. The only other way to turn a profit is to take it by force.

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ты прав как ни кто , на все 1000%

. Downtime is 11am every morning in eve time. For me it’s 6am tomorrow.

What are you talking about? With abyssal space you can earn minimum 400mil per hour solo or do c5 in a marauder for a bil an hour again solo. These are just two of a lot more ways to earn far more isk than 10 miners with only a single account. If anything they need to nerf miners in rorquals and orcas into the ground, remove the ability to mine completely. Those ships were never intended to be miners, they are there to help the fleet. Logistic pilots should complain more like orca and rorq pilots did and ask for changes so they are more useful in combat and do the same or more damage than the combat ships they are supporting.

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I don’t have time to make a new game. I’m working on that new Twitter everyone keeps talking about.

I love that your answer is two of the most specific isk generation methods in the game then you act like liquid generation is easy. They’re also 2 methods which are not really available to over 90% of the gamebase. People don’t want to live in (fill in anywhere not wormholes) but required to put alts in c5’s or Pochven just to make liquid. You’re delusional if you think liquid generation in this game is “easy”. Especially considering after the indy changes, nearly everything over a cruiser is priced so high for newer players it’s not even a reality unless they’re swiping their credit card for everything.


I have a idea for CCP, why not have two or more new player corps go to war with each other for a few days?

Yes that is abyssal space, but, normal space is different. But, it’s a game oh well. We play for reward and if there is no reward we go do something else.

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I think all NPC Corps should be at war with each other. That would change the whole I hide in NPC so I can’t be war decked while I greif others.


Please file a support request with customer support to get help on this issue.

We are very literally moving two main databases to the current passive nodes; since the passive nodes have been fully updated and we need to update the active nodes. We are using the quiet time in between the Interstellar Convergence event and the February release to do this.


Lead, follow or get the Hell out of the way.


what happened to “No Downtime”…?
Did I imagine that big announcement not too long back?

a cache clearing should help. or there is a launcher option to verify your game files. something may have been corrupted

Maybe if it lasted for a month or two it would be worth the time devs committed to it. Two weeks is no appropriate timeframe for such an event.

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That’s even good marriage advice.


Once upon a time there was RvB.

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naw lots of us “old players” are still very active in the game!!!

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