Thank you @Arrendis!
I know economics, that’s how inflation works. Go look at a few charts. Also check wtf happened in 1971 (Nixon) whilst you’re checking money base supply charts and accumulated inflation charts.
Nah, it means the road may support heavier traffic.
Except Jita.
Funnily enough, MMO monthly rates haven’t meaningfully changed in the 22 years since EQ came out (didn’t play UO, so I don’t know about their rates).
Sure, but that doesn’t make your car bigger. That’s something else that has to get improved separately.
yeah, point being: north american cars pls - else why the upgrade
I dunno, look at how loose those seat belts on Picard are. He hits another starship in a 60mph impact, he could break both shoulders…
yeah he really didn’t strap in correctly in that pic
Medical bay and futuristic bone healing rays and creams.
i mean since 2018 its stayed pretty consistent at around 300k with peaks and valleys surrounding that number
Chart source?
mmo populations. and it actually shows a steady increase in player numbers from 208k active and 3.6m subscriptions in 2016 to 497k active and 8.7m subscriptions as of this month
your chart also shows it holding steady and not declining sooo
Long term downtrend
not really it peaked hard for a bit then settled. the only thing that makes it look worse is the scarcity dip. something everyone knew would hurt numbers while it was active.
Man I wanna go back to 2012
That depends on your framework for ‘long term’. I mean, if we say ‘between now and 2004’ then it’s a long-term upward trend.
More importantly, though, apples and oranges. @Lugh_Crow-Slave is talking subscriptions, you’re looking at Concurrent Users. Two totally different measurements.
i wanna go back to 2009-2010