[Completed] Extended Downtime Notification - 26 October 2021

Thank you @Arrendis!

I know economics, that’s how inflation works. Go look at a few charts. Also check wtf happened in 1971 (Nixon) whilst you’re checking money base supply charts and accumulated inflation charts.

Nah, it means the road may support heavier traffic.

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Except Jita.

Funnily enough, MMO monthly rates haven’t meaningfully changed in the 22 years since EQ came out (didn’t play UO, so I don’t know about their rates).

Sure, but that doesn’t make your car bigger. That’s something else that has to get improved separately.


We need seatbelts and airbags for Jita travel.


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yeah, point being: north american cars pls - else why the upgrade

I dunno, look at how loose those seat belts on Picard are. He hits another starship in a 60mph impact, he could break both shoulders…

yeah he really didn’t strap in correctly in that pic :sweat_smile:

Medical bay and futuristic bone healing rays and creams.

i mean since 2018 its stayed pretty consistent at around 300k with peaks and valleys surrounding that number

Chart source?

mmo populations. and it actually shows a steady increase in player numbers from 208k active and 3.6m subscriptions in 2016 to 497k active and 8.7m subscriptions as of this month


source: EVE-Offline :: EVE-Online Status monitor

your chart also shows it holding steady and not declining sooo

Long term downtrend

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not really it peaked hard for a bit then settled. the only thing that makes it look worse is the scarcity dip. something everyone knew would hurt numbers while it was active.

Man I wanna go back to 2012

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That depends on your framework for ‘long term’. I mean, if we say ‘between now and 2004’ then it’s a long-term upward trend.

More importantly, though, apples and oranges. @Lugh_Crow-Slave is talking subscriptions, you’re looking at Concurrent Users. Two totally different measurements.


i wanna go back to 2009-2010

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