[COMPLETED] Extended Downtime Notification - 3 November 2021

For anyone questioning this person’s mathematics - I, being the no-lifer I am, ran the numbers. EVE’s 1 month Omega plan costs $15.99 USD. This divided by 30 (the number of days of Omega time you actually get) comes out to $0.53 per day. This extended downtime is expected to take up 1/2 of an hour, or 1/2 of 1/24th of the day, therefore bringing the total fraction value of time spent unable to log in to EVE as 1/48th of a day. 1/48th of $0.53 is $0.0111, which is indeed “nearly exactly $0.01 of lost time per account.”

Now, let us take a look at the total SP lost from this DT, assuming no mechanics are in place to retroactively apply this after DT concludes. Let us assume a 30 SP/minute training rate (number derived from the rough average of 2 accounts, one training at 28 SP/min and the other at 32 SP/min). This means that you are missing out on a whopping 900 SP.

You already get 5k SP for simply logging in via daily rewards. So kindly, stop whining.

(Editing to clarify that you get 5k SP per Omega account per day via login rewards. Alpha accounts get 1k SP daily. This still is over the 900 SP you lose from this extended downtime, and indeed is more than double what is lost when downtime isn’t extended.)


they probably take IT workers off the street and force them to slave labor in exchange for access to oxygen…

they probably threaten to shut off the oxygen supply when things aren’t going well…

they are always smiling so kindly in front of the cameras…

a deadly poisonous experiment… indeed

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Hello EvE residents;

ye good and evil inhabitants in the different systems. EvE mirrors the real world and shows the mirror to worldly society for wealth, power and the terrible greed for even more of it. It’s so terrifying. It is unbelievable how such an interesting social discussion can arise about a short time of game down time.

Again fascinating; everyone should use their real life time during this time, call friends, paint a picture, do some sensible reading, bake a cake, cook something delicious to eat, hug their friend/girlfriend, say something nice to another person on the street…

Further ideas?

Everyone have a nice day / nice night and have fun in the game EvE.
Many greetings.

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it didn’t take long…

You do know that’s why people are in Eve right?

agreed. all the whining in the world won’t change the fact that some maintenance is necessary. if you can’t live 30 minutes without a GAME, perhaps some real life re evaluation is in order.

you suffer because you can’t play a game? how dismal your life must be. I will pray for you.

Thank you for informing this time as opposed to earlier this week when nothing was communicated at all.
Maintenance work is necessary. 100% but so is communication with the community so thanks for letting us know.

You guys for real whining over 30min downtime? :open_mouth:

Yes and No

All the noobs complaining about DT that’s half what we used to have every day, and let’s not mention how long it took for an expansion… Take a look outside your Dad’s basement for a while.

No skill time is being lost as you can queue for how many times the DT? No compensation is due: you really need to get out of the US litigation mindset & act like a normal person.

You don’t pay for the opportunity to log in, you pay for the subscription to the game allowing you to train after 5 million skill points and allow you to fly ■■■■ you cant normally fly. the game is free to play. deal with it. CCP does what they can to make it as easy as possible for us day to day, and are personally one of the best companies I have ever followed in the gaming industry.

(this is aimed at Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras, i clicked the wrong button when replying lol)

So when will CCP sell lottery tickets for a login queue?

Could sell them via a website Hypernet perhaps?

Has anybody seen an end player benefit to all these upgrades yet?

Genuine question, what did it bring to the player’s table? In real player gaming terms, what did we gain?

TBH, nobody really cares about getting rewarded for lost service time, and neither do I. But a continuous failure of an IT staff to prevent such downtimes is concerning and should be investigated and addressed to improve quality of service. Just my short foray into their architecture shows serious concerns regarding Eve;s infrastructure and physical security.
Eve seriously requires the input of a true professional, new resources for upgrading their systems, and an organized plan of operation to ensure minimal service interruptions to their client. A lack of attention to detail or lack of concern by the IT staff regarding interruption of service and degraded quality of service to clients is a poor excuse for maintaining the status quo. It is apparent to me anyway, that if things continue, you and I will wake up one day in the near future, and find no eve because the server has been lost despite their multiple redundancy and there is no backup available to be used.
When I worked for the Dell corporation, we had a policy that any computer that is broken must be fixed and not replaced. Replacements were not allowed. Just like the server in discussion here. Most computer components can be replaced without very much if any loss of service. But that is not always the case. A failed component can catch fire by drawing too much current which can and will destroy multiple other components creating a mass casualty for components, as an example. There are many others examples like this in IT, but the fact is, playing with only one system and no stand-a-lones is a certain recipe for disaster. It is only a matter of time.

Yes, you are whining. And no, you did NOT pay for 24/7 totally uninterrupted access. You do NOT need free SP for an extra 30 minutes downtime. What you need is to stop being a ■■■■■


To further emphasize my point. It is alarming when a corporation or an IT staff hides behind their EULA or the disclaimers to address their shortcomings or failures… It shows that their training or lack of training is suspect and they are making excuses for their failures and have a very low regard for their clients.

Ahh so basically what you are saying is Eve is dying, and soon wont turn on anymore lol

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This person is a crybaby and begging in a game only for less than 30 mins DT hahahaha

As compensation for the extended downtime, please make sure whatever you do is done right. Thanks!

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