[Completed]Planned Extended Downtime - Wednesday 6 November - 11:00UTC until 11:30UTC

There will be an extended downtime tomorrow from 11:00 UTC until 11:30 UTC. We will updating software that is used by the back-end services to communicate with each other.

We expect downtime to last until 11:30 UTC. We will post any updates in this thread.

Update 11:10 UTC - Maintenance is ongoing.
Update 11:28 UTC - We expect that the maintenance will take slightly longer than the 11:30 UTC prediction. We will let you know when we have an estimated time that the server will be open to players.
Update 11:40 UTC - We are starting up the software that was updated to test it before we open up the server to players. We hope that the server will be open soon. Thanks for your patience.
Update 11:47 UTC - Maintenace has been completed and the server is open for players.


Are you updating RabbitMQ in Quasar by any chance? :grimacing:
Fingers crossed anyways :slight_smile:


They are adding carrots to the hamsters diet


Let’s hope they don’t add wordsalads to their diet though, the lack of useful nutrients would starve them all pretty quick. A very cruel demise.



Thank you for letting us know. A half-hour downtime is no big deal, it’s laughably short.
You all doing a great job.
Thank you!

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They use RabbitMQ? It makes sense, but I didn’t expect that.
I used to work on that (I still do most of my work in Erlang).

Anyway, nice heads up and yeah, 30 minutes is nothing. Thanks!


You guys close down your internal test servers too?

Testing deployment of any new software/update on Prod enviroment even after it was tested in Dev/UAT is normal practice and appreciated.
On the other hand, I miss test server :frowning:

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