[Completed] Single sign-on services under maintenance

We are performing updates to various back-end systems from. Players may experience disruptions with logging in and other services. We expect updates to be completed at 12:00 UTC. Thank you for your patience! Please monitor status.eveonline.com for any relevant updates.


Update - 09:51 UTC - Updates are progressing. We’re monitoring the health of the server as these updates are ongoing.

Update - 10:16 UTC - The updates to back-end systems are having an impact on in-game functions as well as logging in and other services (web store, New Eden Store unavailable, PLEX transfer etc.). We are investigating.

Update - 10:32 UTC - We’ve postponed further updates until tomorrow due to the impact of in-game and other services. Players will continue to encounter intermittent issues until downtime (11:00 UTC).


Duplicate post from yesterday?

I think this happened yesterday 2 hours before reset, one pilot on a single account was not able to log in through another pilot on a different account as fine and was able to log out and in repeatable.

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Wow they doing this shite again. Why not start this at the beginning of DT and run from there instead of F ■■■■■■■ with peoples game time. Logged out of 6 accounts to swap to different toons on accounts and now can only log in 2.

Well played CCP well played :frowning:


So far without the same issues, at least.

Nope, it’s just as laggy as yesterday.

And now they going to stop doing w/e the fudge they doing and restart doing it tomorow :frowning: Just fix the shite now and get it over and done with

Stop acting like a 5 year old.

2 day downtimes… :roll_eyes:

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