Clan Ramijozana has been a respected ally and a critical part in coordinating with local organisations in Molden Heath for the Bosena Accords. We value their opinion greatly, and have had an internal discussion since receiving your response. Your points about the Seykal-Krullefor posing a more significant risk to order in the region are hard to refute, and are well-founded.
Speaking openly, my basis in refocusing our efforts against the Angels rather the Seykal were based on the assumption that given the choice between the two combating the Angels would be far less contentious within the interstellar community. If that is not the case, and if public opinion is on the side of us continuing to target Krullefor sites, then so be it.
Barring any response from the Seykal clan or Krullefor that shows that they are willing to come to the table and deescalate the situation in Molden Heath, we will instead reevaluate our strategy in the Heath and focus on delivering a hammer blow to their operations while they are on the back foot defending their territory from the Angels.
I acknowledge that inserting ourselves directly in between the Seykal-Cartel war is risky, and debatably not our business to interfere in. However, the ongoing chaos in Molden Heath has long been a concern of ours and we are determined to see this conflict through to a firm conclusion without complicating regional matters or standing in the way of Republic officials. Our operations will focus less on directly combating them in population centers or ganglands. We’ll instead focusing on small-scale strikes to limit their ability to operate on former-and-existing warclone lands and dismantle their ability to make war against the Cartel.
To any Angel’s Cartel members that may have taken gumption with my original stance; please accept my personal apologies and my assurances that we are capable of acting in good faith together to uproot the Seykal-Krullefor alliance in Molden Heath. I mean no ill will, as our primary concern is with deescalating tensions in the region and in ending a blood gang war that has already resulted in the deaths of an unacceptable number of civilians.